Chapter 12- Take Me Away

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Chapter 12

Take me away

I should have known being friends with popular people would get me into trouble, how could i trust people who could turn against you so easily and stab you in the back. As if they didn't even have a care in the world about how you would feel. Why do i have to be so stupid into letting people in my life so easily and to think i was beginning to like these people. 

Not only was i furious at what just happened in the hall way a moment ago but now, not only does Vanessa and her friends know I'm gay, the whole school freaking knows! Is anything personal anymore these days? Or do people think hurting others is going to make life a whole lot easier. 

Whatever, as if i care about what anyone thinks anyway.

Well the problem is i do. 

Standing here right now, staring at the most hurtful sight isn't helping at all. Right in front of me was the most hurtful thing anyone has ever done. As a bunch of people moved out the way of what was suddenly an interest to them, i began to loose my breath as i saw a poster displayed on the cafeteria wall.


As soon as i read them words i almost lost control of my balance as i leaned back into Sophie's arms, i couldn't stand straight because all i wanted to do was drop onto the floor and cry a freaking river Nile. Why? Why me? It's turning out to be just like my old school and just like before, i have no strength to fight this through.

I felt my heart beat faster and my eyes sting, as tears flooded out of my now wet eyes, swimming down my cheeks and dropping onto the floor. People were now looking my way staring as if i was some freak show, or as if i had landed from another planet. Not only was that making me cry more, but as i looked around the hall, staring into each persons judgmental eyes, i had now noticed someone else staring at me. I gulped down the lump in my throat feeling the pain while doing so and frowned at Jessica. She had a book open in her hand as she sat down at one of the tables, i knew she had seen the poster because she looked guilty in every way. Like she was the one who done it. I shook my head slightly.

Why were the people i called 'friends' just sitting there? Why didn't they take it down?

As i looked down at the floor in shame everyone started laughing towards my direction, whispering things to one another but making sure i heard every word. Some people were still looking at the poster, some were just talking about other stuff but most of the people were laughing and pointing my way as tears flooded my eyes. I cant take this! I cant stand here and take this, it hurts too much.

Amy walked through the crowd of people forming a circle behind us and smiled as she saw me, that was until she noticed everyone staring. She gasped as she noticed the sign. Running forward, she tore it from the wall and ripped it up, throwing it away as she pushed people away.

As Sophie was about to hug me, i ran quickly back down the hall, the wind hitting my face as i opened the door to the playground outside and rushed up onto the Fields where some people were playing football and laughing with their friends. I sighed heavily as i sat behind an empty building that had looked like it had been empty for years. As i sat down i lifted my knees to my face and buried my head between them, letting the tears escape from my eyes.

Was this a dream? Am i here right now crying like the fool i am? Or is this thing real? Have i really just been outed to the whole school? I breathed in deeply as i leaned my head against the thick bricks behind me, glancing to the sky in a way to escape this horror, just to feel something wonderful for once. Because i knew every time i looked into the sky, every time i would see the clouds floating, dancing in the blue sea-like sky. My troubles would fade away and a smile would appear on my blank soulless face. I needed freedom, and that's what nature gave me.

I felt alive for a moment, until someone interrupted my daze.


Vanesa's POV

I got her good, i knew she would cry like the little baby she is. She's always been weak. I will show her not to take my girl! I knew outing her like that would be a good idea, because now she will feel so humiliated, she wont ever show her face in this school again, but not even that, she wouldn't even think about stealing Jess away from me! 

I knew it. I just knew it, the moment she lay her eyes on Jess, that something was going to happen between them. As if Jess would use her like this to get to me? It's not my fault she's mad at me. I knew it as soon as i saw them in the cinema. She can't steal her away from me and steal my only love.

I know it was mean to do such a thing to Kate, but when it comes to love you do crazy things. To be honest, she deserved it. She thinks shes good enough to have Jess? The sexy, wonderful smart girl who I'm in love with. I deserve to be with Jess, not her.

I know i kissed her but that was just to make Jess jealous, i guess that never worked out in spin the bottle, but in the bathroom, i thought that would make her like me and not Jess. I guess i was wrong again. 

I paced back and forth around the girls bathroom as i thought of a plan to win Jess back into liking me. Jess was mine! She liked me before Kate came to this school and now shes all, 'Oh I'm sorry but i think I'm starting to like someone else'. Uhhh, how could she do this to me when I've loved her since i can remember. Okay I'm rambling here.

Wait? What if she hates me now? What if she thinks I'm a terrible person for what i did. Damn, i should have thought this through.I'm supposed to win her back, not push her away.

I punched the wall as i stared into the mirror angrily. What have i done? I'm not this person, not anymore and now I've just hurt someone who was sweat and kind to me. I was trying to show Jess I've changed for the past couple of weeks and now I've ruined it. All this time I've been a total bitch to everyone and I've tried to change and be the person i was before. Before i became...this.

I heaved a sigh as i stared into my own eyes in the mirror. I'm a monster, a monster! Now Jess will think so too. All i wanted was for her to love me back, to show me what its like to feel happy and wanted. We were so close! I was the one who was supposed to go the cinemas with her and then she took Kate. I cant blame her, i canceled on her for some stupid friends who i don't even like, who treat people as though they're crap. But now I've become one of them, hurting people like they have no feelings. Further, telling them they're ugly and a waste of space and that they don't even deserve to be on this earth. No wonder Jess has chosen Kate over me, I'm just a monster who destroys people.

I felt a tear escape my eye as i thought about Jess. I think I've lost the only person i love.

"Hey, I've been looking all over for you, whats up?" I wiped my eyes as i fixed myself up in the mirror and then looked over towards my friend, Sasha. Just as i thought, she never even noticed i had been crying, maybe because she doesn't care. She only cares about herself, just like my other so called friends. Unlike Jess and the others.

And Kate.

What have i done?

"Nothing, i was just fixing my hair and make-up, where's the others?" I asked fixing my hair and then walking out of the girls bathroom. I need to speak to Jess before i lose her forever. I've got to tell her how i feel before its too late, before she thinks i'm an utter bitch and hates me.

"They've gone to flirt with the guys, you know how they are. Hey, i cant believe that new girl is gay. Can you believe it? She's such a freaking looser. I mean, how can she even show her face? I'd kill myself if i was her." 

As soon as she said that, i couldn't take it no more. I hated every word she said. How come I've put up with their selfish behavior for so long and let them treat people like this? What have i become? I've hurt someone who's kind and sweet just for my selfish needs. I've got to stop! I have to make things right.

"Shut it! Okay? Who cares if she's gay there's nothing wrong with that. So stop being such a freaking judgmental bitch and lay off before i beat the shit out of you" I stormed off without looking back and left her there confused. That was the last straw. I have to find Jess, before its too late.

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