Chapter 3- Help!

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Chapter 3


I sat next to Amy as she lay her head on the table, as if she was sleeping. I smiled just watching her then sighed to myself. What am i doing? I cant like her already, she might be the only friend i will have, ever! I cant fall for her, no more drama i promised myself. This was the first day of school, if i fell for somebody this quick, i wouldn't have a chance at making friends. I need to pull myself together.

"Hey are you ok? You look as though something is bothering you" She asked, i gazed over to her and she was still resting her head on the table, she lifted her head up then smiled at me, i smiled back then stared at my hands.

"Yeah im fine, just hard being in a new school when you don't know anyone, that's all " I sighed once again, playing with my shirt. Plus i was trying to ignore the fact that she was really close to me and giggling at me for being so shy.

"Hey, I'm here if you need me, remember that" She winked at me an then smiled as she saw the same girl coming over that she hugged earlier. I smiled at this anonymous girl as she sat in front of us, smiling back at me.

"Hi, are you new here?" She asked.

"Yeah" I said shyly, shifting in my seat as i felt everyone staring at me, most likely wanting to ask the same questions. Surely they knew i was new here if they hadn't seen me before. 

"Well hi, I'm Charley by the way, i know i probably look a bit scary but I'm really nice to people" She laughed to herself an then stuck her hand out for me to shake it. I took her hand and shook it smiling to myself. Maybe Stacey was right after all, maybe everyone in this school is nice.

"Im Kate." I laughed to myself then looked at her finally, not being so shy this time. "You'r not scary looking" I smirked at her then she giggled. 

During lunch i paced the hallways looking for any signs of the library. Perhaps i shouldn't spend the first break here looking at books, but i didn't have the heart to sit in the lunch hall alone. It was embarrassing enough getting lost a few times even looking for it. 

I sighed and entered the hall anyway, standing there as i tried to find Amy. After a few seconds i finally saw her sitting next to a girl as she ate. She noticed me too as she looked over and smiled, waving. So i decided to walk over there, breathing deeply. 

I got to the table then frowned as she carried on talking to this girl in front of her. Whoever this girl was, she was really quiet. Hardly even speaking to Amy, just mostly nodding her head.

"And anyway this girl i met at the party, she was so hot!" She giggled then took a look at me before saying anything else."You going to sit down or not?" She gave me a smirk then moved over so i could sit down next to her. I nodded my head then sat down, watching as this girl with us just ate her food and sometimes gave me weird looks.

All that ran through my head was the words she just said, 'This girl was hot'. Does that mean Amy is gay if she said that about another girl? I looked over at her as she stared at me longer than normal.

Even if she was, i can't trust anyone enough yet to admit my sexuality. Considering it didn't end to well in my other school.

"So what school did you go to before here?" She asked. 

"I was home schooled, but before that i went to the school USP, its a horrible school though" I shivered just thinking about the horrible memories then smiled towards Amy, who looked like she was interested in what i was saying.

"Wow cool! I wish i was home schooled, it would be so amazing just being taught at home. How come you're coming here now then? I would have stayed at home, better then going to school" She laughed as she ate her food in front of her. I bit my lip and thought about why i came back to school. Sure it wasn't the same school as before. Which I'm glad of, but its still school. It's still a place where all the drama happens and all the rumors start.

I guess it was because i wanted to start off fresh again. I hated being at home alone, not making any friends.

"Its boring, trust me. It's not as good as you think" Just as i said that, the bell went signally the end of lunch.

"Hey, do you know where room 12M is? Its where i got to go for maths" I stood up and she followed, grabbing her rubbish and standing next to me smiling.

"Yeah ill show you, I've got to go that way anyway!" I smiled at her nodding and then started to walk where Amy was walking. "Ill see you later Hannah" She shouted back to that girl.

As we got to the maths building, she pointed to a room that had the sign on it, saying 12M. I smiled, thanking Amy then walked into the class. OK at least everything is going well, so far anyway.

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