Chapter 28- Confrontation

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Chapter 28


As soon as i entered the apartment, the sweet smell of food attacked my senses, i must admit too, i was starving. My previous attempts at eating today was useless when i was ambushed with questions by my new co-worker. It's not that i don't like my new job, surprisingly it went really well today, besides the snide comments from that Angel girl. However, apart from that, i was starting to think my life was finally coming together, until a minute ago that is.

Perhaps Tilly was right? What if we was rushing into things too quickly? Amy and i were amazing together, i knew we would be from the start of our friendship, even more towards the start of our relationship. The only problem is that maybe we are rushing things. I know it shouldn't matter when it is in your relationship, you fall in love. Or the moment you decide things are so amazing, that you'd sooner move in together. Now i'm thinking, this massive hole in the floor will soon drag me into it sooner than i think. 

Why was i thinking this now? Tilly was just a co-worker, she shouldn't have such an impact on my brain, or relationship. I love Amy, that means more to me than some stupid worry about everything becoming rushed. Besides, our relationship is stronger when we are able to fight for it, we strive through the norms and bury their ignorance of love.  Our love is not ignorant, it is blessed with beauty, honesty and worship. It didn't matter to us how fast it burnt, but only how magnificent it felt, burning. 

Standing here, looking across the living room and glancing into the kitchen, i knew i was worrying about nothing, because the sight of Amy's small frame dancing around the kitchen, like the world was hers, slapped me out of this stupidity. I couldn't help but smile as the doubts i had just a second ago seemed to vanish with the sight of her.

This was perfect. Yes, i'm only a sixteen year old with a job, trying to work off next months rent. Still, this crossword society had me rebelling against the norms of love, instead, i wanted to be abnormal, different and fall in love with what we have. Even if it seems fast and ridiculous. It wasn't anybody's place to say what wasn't right, or how fast things should go in a relationship. There shouldn't be any rules when it comes to love.

Laughing to myself, i shut the door loud enough to stun Amy from her suppose dance routine, letting her know i had been watching her. She turned around and smiled brightly, like she had just won the lottery. 

Although things were hard right now, trying to come up with the rent, it didn't matter to us because we had each other. Besides, Amy's mum was still helping us pay half of the rent, which was helpful considering this apartment was expensive. That was our agreement, if we take care of the shopping and  the rent, her mother would help us pay the other half of the rent and the bills. I guess it  was ok, because we had our own place, our own privacy and we can work hard to find somewhere better.

This was just temporary. I wanted our own house, with a cute garden somewhere on the beach. That would be the dream! 

"Oh hey there beautiful lady, you scared the life out of me. I cooked us something, i thought you might be hungry?" She turned the cooker off as she served some food onto the plates in front of her. 

Yum, it smelled delicious. I could almost taste it already. I threw my bag down onto the couch as i walked over to her, kissing her cheek gently and holding her close to me. I can't let this girl go, she's too important to me. This society shouldn't judge people on their own choices, as long as they are good right?

"Hey gorgeous, it smells great!" We pull out of the hug, finally, i feel her lips press against mine passionately. Those familiar butterflies swarm my tummy as she brings me closer to her, running her fingertips through my hair. I relax into the kiss and forget everything and everyone. Damn, i love her kisses.

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