Chapter 20- The Hangover From Hell

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Chapter 20

 The Hangover From Hell

 I watched the clock intently on the wall as everyone seemed to become louder before the end of the day finished. Sophie was busy writing in her English book while I kept my eye focused on the hands of the clock, ticking away until finally the teacher dismissed us for the day.

I stood up bringing my books with me and placed them into my bag watching as Sophie followed my movements. I could tell she was stressed about something but I didn't want to ask. I did want to make sure she was ok but I knew her inside out, she wouldn't want to talk about it and if she did, she would come to me.

"So what are you doing now?" She asked as we walked out of the classroom door.

I felt eyes on me and I was right when I looked straight ahead of the hallway to see Emily and her groups of friends. Let's just say they didn't look too happy right now. But I didn't give a damn anymore, I just wanted to get on with my life and have fun. Not be bullied for something stupid for the rest of my school years. I had two years of school left and I'm not about to quit this easy.

"I'm going straight home and then attending a party later tonight." We walked down the corridor avoiding Emily and her group and carried on outside. Everyone was walking out of the front gates excited to go home or hanging with their friends in groups. In the distance I could see crowds of people waiting for the bus, which means the buses, are going to be crowded. I hated when that happened, I hated having to stand up on the bus and have stupid kids messing around.

"Oh right. Since when did you become a party chick?" She laughed distinctly and stopped me in my tracks as we were near the front gate. I was thinking about inviting Sophie but before I could she stopped me. "Have fun beautiful, I'll see you tomorrow I have to go out with my parents tonight. Bye Kate." She kissed me on the cheek and winked before heading off in the opposite direction.

I was looking forward to this party tonight, it was about time I got my mind off things and started having fun, especially after what happened in gym today. I still couldn't believe I stood up to Emily and her suppose 'gang' of friends. I would have walked away and let them get on with it but my anger built up all of a sudden when they pushed Riley. But why didn't that happen when Anna was being pushed? I know I helped her but I didn't say anything to those girls. Perhaps this time I was just sick of it to the point where I actually did something about it.

My sisters were also bullied in school and left just like I did, maybe that's the reason I can't stick up for myself and why I give up so easily. Because they were all I had to look up to while my mother was hardly there for me. She's not a bad mom, just a broken  woman who's lonely and fed up, just like me.

I never knew why my dad left us but I always blamed myself. They had more fights when Chloe died and after the accident they just grew apart. My family was torn apart and I still have no idea why. We were a close family who never failed to make each other smile and laugh, now all we ever do is fight and make each other unhappy. Things won't be the same again but someday I know I'll make my dad and my mum proud of me. Which is also why I've came back to school again, to get good results and go college.

"Hey you total badass!" I heard as I finally managed to get out of the school gates. I looked around trying to find the angelic face to this voice. There she was, Amy.

"Hey what's up?" I asked slowing down as she finally caught up. I could tell she was in no hurry to get anywhere but I sure was. I didn't want to wait for buses because I needed to get home and get dressed if I wanted to be ready for this party tonight.

I have never been to a party before so this would be a whole new experience. I most likely won't drink or anything, but I know It won't stop me from having fun. I smiled at Amy waiting for an answer as she sat on the wall outside, making me stop next to her and regret stopping at all. Don't get me wrong I was excited to see her but the bus might come any moment.

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