CH 1: Back To Buisness

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The Sun was shining in the Wraith Ring in Hell. At the Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch Nixx was there growling, circling around the inside of a wooden fence. His eyes were glowing sinisterly, like he always is when he is in battle mode. He circled slowly, crouching down like a Tiger sizing up his enemy. Joe, Millies's father was with a lasso getting it ready. "Come! Let's do this!" He said in a low stern tone. Him and Nixx stopped and glared a stern stare at what seemed to be each other, but the true enemy was in between. A black hoove scrapped the hot dusty dirt and then a snort. A large Bull about half the size of Nixx was growling and ready to fight. He had two large red horns with a big brass ring in its nostrils, that actually snorted out fire. He was black as Nixx and had glowing red eyes. His tail had a spear head on the tip of his tail. "Careful Nixx. He is a mean one." Joe said preparing the lasso rope. The Bull picked his target and decided to go after the largest threat and that was Nixx, who was ready for him. The Bull charged at Nixx, who could have easily knocked him over with his body but instead with a swift strike of his tail, like a slap. Nixx hit the Bull and knocked him down on his side with a big 'thud'. The Bull wasn't done yet, he still got up to give it another try. Nixx allowed him to get up and charged him again. This time Nixx charged as well and actually the Bull and Nixx bumped heads together. Nixx won the clash as he knocked the Bull back pretty hard with his forehead. Bull stumbled backwards and thats when Joe took the opportunity to lasso the rope around the Bulls neck and then went to hop on his back. The Bull began to resist and was trying to break free. Joe was trying to hold the rope. He strained and grunted. "NOW NIXX NOW!!" He Exclaimed. Nixx raced forward and knocked the Bull on his side and pinned him down. Joe pulled the rope and collected it as he got closer and then got the Bull tied up by his front and back legs. He then tied up his muzzle and the Bull struggled, but then gave up.

"WOO! WE DID IT!!" Joe said in triumphant. "Well done, Nixx!" He then said. Nixx did a slight coo and roar in turimph himself as he was proud of himself. As they did, the others outside of the fence appluaded as they watched the whole thing take place. Millie looked over to Loona and said "Gotta hand it to ya Loona. It was a great idea letting Nixx help out on the Ranch!" Loona was proud and said "What can I say? It gives him something to do than just hanging around and doing nothing. Besides that, was quite entertaining." She filmed the whole thing on her phone and watched it again. Ever since Nixx offically became a part of IMPs business, the offers of Hits have been coming in almost like rapid fire. Blitz did not mind it, that meant that his buisness was becoming more successful. Nixx was a great addition, a magnificent one that had them be able to kill and take out any target they were given. Seeing Nixx being able to take on even the toughest targets was amazing. Even when it was group of gangsters that were armed to the teeth with guns and other such weapons, they were no mach for Nixx. Joe and Nixx exited the round area they were in, and Joe said "I really appreciate the help from Nixx Loona. That Bull had been giving me trouble ever since." Sally May then said "Sure have. That is why we called him Wildfire." Millie said "I just hope Nixx didn't hurt him that bad. You still need him to breed with the Cows." Sallie May reassured her "It's alright Sis. Wildfire is as tough as an anvil." Loona kind of scoffs and says "Nixx can use an anvil as a chew toy." Sallie May turns to her and replies "I don't deny that. But trust me. Youd be surprised what Wildfire charges into nowadays."

Finally, Lin says "Well, I believe Dinner is ready. Let's go in and have some grub. What do y'all say?" Blitz smiles and says, "I am up for that!" Loona turns to Nixx and says "Alright Rowdy. Shrink to cute size and hop on Mamas shoulders." She actually said it with a little of a Southern accent. Nixx smiled, shrank to small size and flew on Loona's shoulder. They all then went into the house. As they had Dinner Nixx was laying on top of the table and was drinking some beer out of a cup. Joe sat across from Blitz and said "I do appreciate you coming out and seeing us again. I understand the business in the Human killing is going well?" Blitz replies "Oh yeah way better than ever! And with Nixx, the kills go smoothly. Nothing can stop him! Knives, Bats, Guns, Explosives. They just can't seem to slow him down!" Joe says "Well, I certainly believe it! Wildfire had no chance against him! Maybe Nixx was able to humble his ass up." Blitz says, "Good thing Loona came up with that idea then." They were mainly on vacation from their job, but Blitz knew that they had to head back soon and get back to it. As he knew that the offers, he was getting from other Clients other than Austin. They didn't want to keep them waiting. "We would love to stay a little longer Joe. But I believe it is time we head back. The Clients are still calling, and I think they are getting impatient." Joe says "Yeah I hear ya. Great having fun but there is always work that has to be done. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do." Blitz sips his drink and says, "You said it."

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