CH 4: Angel Dust meets Nixx

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They dealt with the Couple like so. Nixx got both of them and then put them in the car or Truck and Nixx welded the doors shut and Loona, Blitz, Millie and Mox all used their Demon might to push the Truck into a Lake and watched it sink out of sight. They could clearly see the two struggle to get out and they weren't that successful. IMP hung out by the waterside just in case and played some Uno while they did. When there was no sign of the Couple coming up to the surface then they left them. Once again, they were all being watched by that Geek Artie who was mostly looking at Loona. He began to think of fantasies about her and wondered if there was ever a chance they could meet.

After that he went home. Luckily his jerk of a Father was passed out drunk on the Living Room couch with a few bottles of beer on the Coffee Table. He snored really loudly and was quite a slob. Artie was always disgusted to look at him and got sick sometimes. To think he gets bitches that want to sleep with him. He mostly pays them pretty much. Artie went into his room and locked the door. There he took out a box and opened it. A dark yellowish glow came from the box. Artie smiled as he looked down at the 20 sided dice like object he recovered from a crater. Seeing it fall from Space meant it had to be Alien in origin. Maybe kind of like the Creature that is with those Demons.

Artie inspected it some more and tried to see if there was a way to open it. He found nothing, which didn't discourage him. It was just cool looking at the object some more and observing it. He even began to do some online research but was careful about what he was looking up. He was surprised that the US Government or the Military didn't show up at any moment after having the thing in his possession for about 5 months. Ever since his Father kicked him out of the house because he had "company" he might have never came across this thing at all. "Hmmm, just what kind of secrets could you be hiding?" Artie said to the thing that only reaponded with a slight glow and a hum.

A day or two later

IMP arrived back in Hell after killing some Street Punks, Blitz along with the others were looking to relax again and wait to see what next Targets they will get. Millie stretches and says "Another days work finished."

Blitz: "You can say that again Mills. Taking out that group of Pot Smoking Teens was a blast!"

Moxxie: "The faces they made when they saw Nixx. Priceless."

Loona was giving Nixx pets and kisses and was loving on him. Nixx purred happily and licked Loona back on her fluffy cheek which made her giggle. "Such a good boy Nixx~." Blitz○ looked over at them proudly, Blitz was so happy to have Nixx, he didn't know what they would do without him. Loona then remebered that Verosika had invited her and Nixx as well as Ocatvia to go to the Lust Ring with her. She knew she had to get ready. Later that evening Loona was in her room and was getting her make up ready and redid her hair. Nixx was looking at himself in the mirror, probably checking to make sure that he looked decent. Which he always did. He would hardly ever get dirty or smell bad. He still went into the shower and rinsed himself off just to be sure. He did want to look at least extra shiny.

Loona saw that Nixx took a shower and he was drying off by rolling around on a towel. Loona says "Trying to freshen up a bit too?" Nixx stopped and faced Loona while still on his back, he then did a 'purrraf!' And then stuck his tongue out in a cute kind of way. This made Loona laugh. Afterwards she texted Octavia and asked how she was doing and if she was still going.

Loona: "Hey Girl! You still up for tonight?"

A moment of no response. Then.

Ocatvia: "Sure am! Looking forward to see you and Nixx again!"

Loona: "Sweet! See you there!"

Loona headed out and hopped on Nixx's back and he took off flying towards the Hellevator. Blitz was a bit worried about Loona going to the Lust Ring on her own, but at least she had Nixx. Millie and Moxxie were going back to their Apartments to have some romantic time with one another. Blitz noticed "Damn. I really wish I could join them." He was thinking about going to go spy on them again but, there was a sudden urge not to. He sighs and goes home instead. Meanwhile, Nixx and Loona arrived and met up with Octavia, Verosika and the rest of her crew. She actually had all of them with her. Coco and Apple had already met Nixx but were still thrilled to see them. The rest of them were amazed to see Nixx and admitted he was  something beyond what they had ever seen.

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