Ch 14: Its not over. Yet

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After Loona's Birthday and a few days had passed to a new week. Blitz and the others decided to go take a trip to the Beach. Nixx was also looking foward to having some fun himself as he was quite tired still from the action that took place. They knew that it was time to actually take another break from the Buisness.

They drove to the Beach in the IMP Van and they pulled up in the parking area. Blitz got out wearing his swim trunks and a loose vest and some shades. He said "Aaaah. Feels good being out here and out of the office for a change." Loona came out and was wearing a loose long t- shirt. She was wearing her bikini underneath. Millie and Moxxie came out as they came along. Millie was already wearing her g-string black bikini and her husband Moxxie wore a pair of green swim shorts.

Loona: "Come on Nixx. Lets start heading down to the Beach."

Nixx did just that as he followed Loona down to the Beach and down near the waters edge. Millie grabbed Moxxies hand and dragged him down there. Blitz grabbed the stuff and followed. He set up a nice place on the Beach and Loona took her shirt off and revealed her Bikini. It was a new one that she got for her Birthday.

(Left the link to the image as I didn't want to post it on here. Didn't want to get in trouble with Wattpad.)

Loona stretched and said "How do I look Nixx?" Nixx looks at her and then looks away while blushing. "Y-You l-look good." Loona giggles and gives him a quick peck on the right side of his muzzle making him blush more. "You are adorable. Come on lets go swim. The M&Ms have already beaten us there."

Nixx smiles and says "Oh really? Well lets go then. Hop on." Loona got on Nixxs back and then he ran down towards the water and did a big leap in. He landed in the water head first and landed with a big splash and created waves. Millie and Moxxie were both caught off guard as they got splashed and pushed by the waves.

Millie: "HEY!!"


Blitz was watching and fell over laughing. As soon as it was over the M Couple regained themselves and were slightly pissed. Nixx then surface with Loona still on his back. "REALLY!!?" Millie said angrily to both of them. Loona cracked a devious smile and said "Sorry. Had to."

Nixx: "It was fun huh? Admit it. It was."

Millie just shakes her head and Moxxie says "It was fun. But dangerous as well." Loona then hops in the water and splashes again. She soon goes up and shakes herself off. Nixx dove back under and swims around them and resurfaces again. They played around in the water and soon Blitz joined in. He brought a water gun and was squirting Moxxie, Millie and then Loona. They all splashed him back in retaliation.

Nixx breached the surface of the water again and then landed splashing them all. Loona then had an idea. "Hey Nixx. Come here for a second please." Nixx swam over to see what Loona wanted. She said "Is it ok we use you like a slide. Like slide down your back into the water?" Nixx thought about it and then said "Fine. For you all of you of course." Loona went first. She actually first started up on the top of Nixx's head and then she slid down his back and went into the water.

Next was Millie she started up near Nixxs head not to close to his forehead as she didn't want to get close to his eyes or his face. She then slid down and enjoyed it. Moxxie was next and then Blitz went after. They all slid together down his back and then took a break. After that they took a break on the shore. Nixx laid down in the sand and was playing some music.

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