Ch 13: Something Special

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They left Artimis's body were it was as it would be food for the gulls. They went back to Hell and Johnny decided to go with them. They were back at IMP HQ and Johnny was surprised on how Hell looked. Not how he imagined it or how some people protrayed it in their visions. The Bible always said that Hell was a place were damned souls go for eternal punishment but for some reason it was like the world above. Nixx was resting after another battle with Artimis and this time, he won.

Johnny: "So. This is Hell huh?"

Blitz: "Sure is. What were you expecting?"

Johnny: "I was expecting more of the, you know. Fire, lava and screams of agony and stuff like that."

Blitz was silent at first and then said "Oh no thats all just stupid ass Human speculation. No offense. Which reminds me. Why the fuck did you decide to come along?"

Johnny shrugs and replies "Don't know actually. Life sucked for me anyway so I guess coming down here was not that big of a deal." Blitz was skeptical but accepted the fact that Bravo didn't mind being in Hell probably after what he had been through in his life time. "Oh well. I guess I have to thank you for helping my Daughter out so I guess I accept you as is."

Johnny: "Wait. That Hellhound is your Daughter?"

Blitz: "She sure is. Adopted her myself. She is my little Loony Toony. She hates it when I call her that but I still love her."

Johnny raises a brow and then says "I guess that makes sense. Anyway I am not sure how long I want to be down here but I guess I just sit and chill for a bit."

Blitz: "Heh do whatever I must tend to some things and then I am closing shop." He walks towards his office until Moxxie stopped him. "Um Blitz, sir. Are you sure having him down here is a good idea?" Blitz sighs and says "I don't know Mox he wanted to come with us so why don't you and your Wifey Mills go do whatever it is you two love birds do. I am going to close up. We had enough action for today." He leaves Mox who sighs and goes to the Lounge. There Nixx was with Loona, Elliot, Johnny, Alastor, Vaggie, Octavia, Angel Dust and Cherry.

They were all thrilled to see Loona back and ok. They considered her lucky. Loona told them Johnny Bravo helped rescue her and they finally killed Artimis once and for all. "Is it true. That Brute is dead?" Octavia asked. Loona nods in response. Octavia was so happy she hugged Loona and then said "Thankfully you are OK." Loona hugged back, they were pretty much as close to sisters. Alastor says "Well I guess this is quite a happy ending. Who is this fellow?" He pointed at Johnny who was till standing there awkwardly. Loona says "Just a new friend. He actually freed me. He even helped Nixx fight Artimis."

Nixx: "I appreciated the help. But I believe I could have taken him alone."

Johnny: "I don't doubt that for a second. But believe me you needed someone to keep him distracted."

Nixx kind of grunted and curled up on the Lounge couch next to were Angel Dust was sitting. He didn't mind as he gave Nixx a pat and said "Rest easy big guy. You earned it." Alastor walked up to Johnny Bravo and said "Its nice to meet you Johnny Boy. I am Alastor the Radio Demon. One of the Demon Lords of Hell." Johnny took his hand and shook it "Um nice to meet you. Its Johnny Bravo by the way." Alastor and him stop the handshake "Johnny Bravo huh? Interesting name." Charlie then introduces herself "Hi I am Charlie the Princess of Hell and the Manager at the Hazbin Hotel! And this is Vaggie, Angel Dust, and Cherry."

Johnny: "Pleasure meeting you all. Really."

He did his best to hide his nervousness after all they were all Demons. He had a feeling though that Nixx wasn't a Demonic creature neither was he of Hell origin. Anyway Nixx was sipping some Whiskey that Loona gave him and was giving him pets. Just then Verosika, Vortex and Austin actually came in. "Loona! Are you ok? I just heard the News! I am glad you are back!"

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