Ch 15: Confessed

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Taul: "Don't you get it? I don't want to destory this pathetic floating rock neither do I want to conquer it. I want to conquer the Hell and Heaven of this Universe and possibly reality and time itself."

Nixx was speechless from this. He then asks "And whats that got to do with me!?"

Taul walks around and explains "You are a Creature of true surging power. You thrive on energy to survive. And you can become something much more than what you are right now. A Lord or a God. Maybe more powerful than that."

Nixx was silent. He didn't believe in this stuff about becoming like a God or God himself for that matter. He assumed that he was as powerful as he wants to be. So why even bother with it? "Bullshit! We Xylowraiths were created by a race that eat, sleep and drank War! Thats all we were good for!"

Taul: "Indeed. A bloodthirsty race the Xulkrilytes were I don't deny that. But little did they know what they had created. A Frakenstien complex they had ran into. Their own creations growing so powerful to the point where they destoryed them!"

Nixx: "They were wicked! They mistreated us! They were cruel so yes. We destroyed them. They got what they deserved."

Taul stops and says "Agreed. But that is the past now. The present is here and now. You thrive to become something much more Nixx. A Individual with intense, immortal, eternal power. A God of Gods! You can become the new Lord of this Universe and the next."

Nixx did not respond to this. He was looking downwards towards the stony ground below him. Taul stared at him and it was long tense silent moment. Nixx just closed his eyes and didn't respond. Taul just folded his arms together and said "I understand if this is a lot for you to take in. I shall leave you to make your decision. But, if you were wise you would accept it. Your Hellhound friends fate is not in my hands." He turns and gives Loona a quick glance. He then turns back and walks out of the room.

"Nixx. Don't do it. He wants to use you." Loona said to Nixx. He didn't respond. She then says "Please. You were used as a Weapon before. You are not a Weapon. You are your own self. You decide on what you do and what you don't do. Don't let him control you."
Nixx was still silent as he didn't know how to respond. He was troubled by not just what is happening but for himself.


Johnny saw that he was too late and that they fell for the trap. Now he had to go to Hell, literally and tell Blitz and get help. He managed to find a random Portal and entered through it. He fell into tones of rings of fire until he hit the ground. "Ugh ow." He then got up and ran to go find Blitz and maybe the others.

Blitz was pacing in his Apartment and waiting for Loona and Nixx to show back up. He was starting to get worried and he didn't like it. Just then he heard a banging at his door that made him jump. He rushed to open it and then to only find Johnny breathing heavily at the door and exhausted.

Blitz: "Johnny? What the Fuck are you doing here!?"

Johnny: "I.... needed..... to.... tell.... you..."

He was talking in between breaths. Blitz was waiting but then said "Well what is it?" Just then his phone began to ring or scream. He answered it. It was Stolas who was still crying. "B-Blitzy I-I-" Blitz cut him off "Yeah yeah I know your Daughter got kidnapped Stolas don't worry Nixx and Loona are going to get her back." Johnny then said "That is what I am about to-" Blitz stopped him "Ah Johnny. I am on the phone right now so hush!"

Stolas: "I know Blitz but thays the thing-"

Blitz: "I am sure your Daughter will be fine I know Nixx and Loona."

Stolas: "I have my Daughter back Blitz!"

Stolas finally said. Blitz froze on the spot and then said "Well. Told ya." Johnny then said "Blitz I got to tell you-"

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