Ch 12: Rescue

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They had to leave as the Cops and SWAT were closing in with guns at the ready. Blitz was not wanting to leave Nixx here either but what could they do? Nixx's glow slowly flickered back on, showing he still had some life left in him. Octavia sees this and says "Nixx? Nixx please get up!" Nixx tried but he felt himself collapse again. All of his body ached and was sore. Even peices of his outer skin began coming off. "Please Nixx you must!" Octavia said. Stolas looked back worried, knowing that the Humans wete closing in.

Nixx shrunk to his small size and it made it easier to move him. Octavia then picked him up. Now they could go. They went through the protal and disappeared before the Law Inforcement showed up. They aimed their guns all around but found nothing. Except the metal flakes from Nixx. One Officer picked it up and examined one.

They made it back to IMP HQ and Blitz was locked away in his Office not wanting to talk right now. He was pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back trying to think of a way to get Loona back. Of course they needed Nixx but he was badly hurt and he didn't know how long it would take him to recover. That Super Asshole really gave Nixx quite a beating. Millie and Moxxie were with Nixx trying to get him to drink some alcohol to regain his strength. But he wasn't drinking it that much.

Moxxie: "Shit! I sure am worried about Loona. Even though we never really got along I still dread to think what that guy will do to her."

Millie: "We can't dwell on that hun. We have to get Nixx back into great health again so he can help us defeat that bastard.

Mox knew that Millie was right, they had to focus on Nixx at the moment. Octavia was still with them as she was worried about Nixx herself. She gave Nixx some pets and said "Poor Nixx. What did that disgusting Brute do to him?" The two were silent as they looked at each other with sorrowful expressions. Millie finally spoke up. "We were carrying out a Hit. Until the Bastard came back some how. Nixx told us to leave and get back here while he fended him off. Sadly it didn't turn out so well. Loona didn't want to leave."

Moxxie: "Just when we thought that Nixx had it taken care of. He bursted through the roof and the Guy just thrashed him around. Nixx was unable to help us."

Hearing this made Octavia tear up more and she felt so bad for Nixx. If only she was there. If only she could have helped them. Nixx was slowly drinking the Scotch but it wasn't enough. Millie then remembered. Her Moms Moonshine. That was strong enough for Nixx to recover his strength. She ran to go fetch a jar and brought it back. She poured some in a small cup and gave it to Nixx. He didn't drink it at first, but then when he sensed it he began slurping it up instead of lapping it.

Millie gave him a stroke on the back and said "That will do it." She was sure that will help Nixx recover more quickly due to the high Alcoholic content in the Shine. Meanwhile Blitz had called up Elliot and explained what had happened. Elliot was there immediately. "So the Son of a Bitch came back huh?" Elliot said in a stern voice.

Blitz: "Yes. It was a real shock. Now he has my daughter and God knows what he will do to her. I thought Nixx could handle him but instead the Fucker kicked the shit out of him!"

Elliot was silent and then said "Well. Seems like we should have killed him when we had the chance. Turns out just sending him out to Space was not the best option. It might have made him stronger."

A moment of eerie silence between them. It was a possiblity. That if the power, whatever it was and however The Guy got it mist have came from Space and given him more strength. Blitz was still worried about his Daughter Loona. If only they could find where the Asshole is. Then Blitz recalled Elliot mentioned an Island.

Blitz: "You said this Fuckhole used an Island Temple to access Hell?"

Elliot: "Indeed I did. There is the possiblity that is where he took your Daughter to. He probably made it his home."

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