CH 9: A New Recruit

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Blitz was going over some plans to see what they could do about their Invader of Hell. He was busy trying to pinpoint where this fucker would strike next and what they could do. A knock came at his door. "Ugh who is it!?" Blitz said in annoyance. It was Millie "Um, sorry to bother you Blitz."
"This better be important Mills!" Blitz replied sternly.

Millie: "It actually is. There is this guy who wants to join our Buisness. He says he can help us kill the Bastard invading Hell."

Blitz: "Alright. Send him in."

Millie: "Ok. But I must warn you. He is a shady one. He reminds me of that one we dealt with named Striker. In fact he is a Snake Demon just like him. And he has a pet Demon Wyvern with him."

Blitz: "Ok whatever just send him in Mills!"

Millie did and he was like she said he was. He was a Snake Demon, similar looking to Striker but was completly black. But his eyes were teal rather than yellow or red. He had long grey hair and striped horns. He even wore a black cowboy hat but a leather duster instead with boots underneath. A Wyvern the size of a go cart walked in behind him. Blitz was already getting strange vibes from him. In fact this guy looked more intimidating and older than Striker. Let alone was bigger. He was a Black Mamba Demon.

"Well Howdy Mr Blitzo." The Stranger said tipping his hat. Blitz responds "Yeah um hi. Nice to meet you. Its just Blitz. The O is silent. Who exactly are you?"

"The names Elliot." He said.

Blitz: "Ok Elliot. So you want to join our business here at IMP?"

Elliot: "You got that right Partner. Me and Exile here are willing to help you take out this son of a bitch Invader."

Blitz: "Exile?"

Elliot points at his Wyvern behind him. Blitz then realized that Exile was his pet Wyverns name. "You see I can help kill this asshole for you but it ain't going to be easy. This is a Human who has been gifted with immense powers. That make him so powerful he could take over the world if he wanted to." Elliot explained. Blitz sits and listens as Elliot makes his way towards the window and says "This Superhuman is after your Daughter. I know he is. I can see it. And he will get what he wants if we don't do anything about it." Blitz says "Oh trust me. If he even so tries to lay a finger on my Daughter. I will disembowel the fucker and feed him his own guts!"

Elliot cracks a smile "You could. Try at least. But something tells me guns and knives and other such weapons will not do it."

Blitz was confused he didn't respond but it was obvious that Elliot was right. Through what he heard and had seen on the News. This Invader was something else. "Then how are we going to kill this Asshole Superhero wanna be fuckface!?" Blitz said crossing his arms. Elliot says "I know that your Daughter has that powerful Beast named Nixx. But he is going to need an assistant and Exile is that one."

Blitz: "What can he do?"

Elliot: "He doesn't have the same abilities that Nixx does but he has his own perks. In due time you will see. When we get this Bastard."

Blitz Nods and says "Ok fine but, how are we going to find him? There is no way in all of this Afterlife and Hell that we can track down a guy that flys fast as fuck and is high like a damn kite!? Not to mention he bench presses frieght trains!" Elliot smiles calmly and says "You got to take it one piece at a time my friend. You got to look at the patterns."

Blitz: "What patterns?"

Elliot: "Here."

Elliot points at certain areas on a map Blitz was looking at ealier and the X out areas where the Invader, Artimis has attacked. "Here he attacked some fishermen. Here he destroyed a Supermarket and here was that incident that was on the News." Blitz replies "How does this help?" Elliot says "Simple. He is making a simple swirl towards your Daughter. And catching our attention at the sametime. He has been purposely causing trouble around IMP City to lets just say, flex his muscles and get you riled up."

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