CH 3: A Day Out

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Loona got up the next morning with Nixx. They both got ready and Loona took a shower and then Loona got dressed in a black leather jacket with tight white tank top and a blue jean skirt. She even put her make up on and re-did her hair. She even wore high heels. Blitz saw her come down and saw her all dressed up nicely, he asked. "You sure are looking spiffy. Who is it this time?"

Loona sighs and replies "Relax. I am just going out with Octavia and Verosika. We are going to go look at shops and shit." Blitz nearly spat out his cereal and said "WHAT!? Your going out with the Slut!?"
Loona sighs and says "Yes. Me and her started becoming friends. She really likes Nixx." Blitz says "I know but have you forgotten why I hate her?" Loona goes up towards Blitz and says "Yes. I know you two are still not on good terms but if she really wants to hang out with me and Octavia as well as Nixx then so be it." Blitz was against this but was trying to loosen up a little. "Fine, fine. But if she goes near flipping her Bitch Switch again then I will have Nixx vaporize her slutty ass!" Loona smiles and says "If not you then I will. Don't worry I will." Blitz then asks "Need me to drop you off?" Loona was heading out and says "No need. Nixx will take me himself." She then went back to Blitz and gave him a kiss on his cheek and said "See you later Dad!"

Blitz: "WAIT! Are you going to have-"

Loona: "I will have breakfast out! Thanks!"

Loona left with Nixx and as soon as they were outside, Nixx grew to his big size and Loona climed on. She watched Nixxs wings extend out if his sides and attatched to his back small wings. He powered up and took off vertically and then shot forward. Loona was able to hang on even when Nixx was using his forcefield to keep her on his back. They flew to where Octavia and Verosika were at and Nixx landed right in front of them. Loona got off Nixx's back and met with Mayday and Octavia. "Loona! Glad you made it!" Octavia said happily. Loona and her hugged and Verosika saw Nixx shrink to his small sature and went on Loonas shoulder. "Hey Loona hun. How have you been?" Loona replies "Doing great Mrs. Mayday! Great to have you join us." Verosika says "Oh no problem dear. I see you brought Nixx with you." She gave him a scratch under his chin which he liked and did a purr. Octavia said "Hello" to him as well and gave him some pets.

After that they walked down the sidewalk looking at the shops and they went to the Mall. They went to go see some fancy shops with clothes and what not. Nixx was taking turns riding on the three girls shoulders. First Loona, then Octavia then Verosika. He would some times walk on his own. Hover or fly by their sides when ever he wanted to move about. He would sometimes get the attention of other Demons and would take the time to play around with some Demon Children, because he didn't mind them at all. Loona was so impressed on how well he was with Children, even though she obviously had some issues with them but Nixx was just naturally sweet to them. She wondered why.

They then stopped at a Bar in the Mall and had some drinks together. Verosika had a "Sex on the Beach" (Personally my favorite IRL. Cause it is really good). Loona had a on Old Fashioned, Via (Octavia) got a Tequila Sunrise and they got Nixx some straight Whiskey. The Bartender was a bit hesitant until Loona explained it was his "fuel" source so he gave him some anyway. "I am going to the Lust Ring in a few days to go reach out to my fans. I will also meet my friend Anthony who will be there as well." Loona was a but puzzled who Verosika was talking about. "Who is that again?"
"Anthony, also well known as Angel Dust will be at the strip joint. I think you both should come along as well. He would love to meet you and he would love to meet Nixx as well. Thats if you will be free that day?" Loona thought about it and looked at Octavia and said "I am sure we would love to come along. Nixx too."

Nixx did a slight 'coo' which was a positive answer. Verosika sipped her drink and said "Great! I will let you know as soon as the day comes when I will be heading there." After that they went to go look at some more shops a little more. They went into a shop that had some clothes Loona was into. Verosika saw some clothes that she liked. She then said "Here Loona look. This would look lovely on you." Loona looked at it and said "Um. I think I will pass on that." It was an orange and black colored one peice bikini that was thin and looked to be revealing. Verosika says "Aww try it on. Please. You will match with Nixx." Loona sighs and says "Fine." She grabbed it and went to put it on in the dressing room. Via and Verosika waited.

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