CH 6: Trouble Brewing

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Verosika was unable to talk for a good number of days. Hell a good number of weeks due to how screwed up she was. Vortex watched her around the clock and Loona stopped by with Nixx to check up on her. Tex appreciated their concerns but recommend they let her rest. Loona agreed and left Verosika alone as she was recovering really slowly. Loona was so hurt by what happened to Verosika that she really wanted to find out what happened to her. She started actually putting her phone to good use and started doing research.

She looked up what human could rape a Demon with out having any effect on them but no results came up. The Loona came as far as looking up to see if it was possible an Angel must have had something to do with it but once agian the results varied and lead her to more questions than answers. Loona began to try and ask online if anyone had an encounter with Verosika and by any chance had any intense sexual relationships with her. Many denied having to do anything with her current condition and most said that they would love to be responsible but said "No".

Loona sighed in fustration. Nixx got on her lap and purred as he tried to calm her down. Loona smiles and pets Nixx for a bit. She managed to get a hold of a guy named Alastor and asked him about the whole ordeal. Alastor was interested the fact that Verosika Mayday, a very popular Pop-Star and Succubus managed to get out bested by a mortal Human. "You think that it is possible. If she was ganged up by a group of Humans they could be capable of doing doing that?" Loona said through the facechat she was having with Alastor.

Alastor: "Could be possible my dear. Humans are pathetic Mortals but can be full of surprises."

Loona: "I know trust me I do. And its Loona ok? Now one other thing. If one perticular Human did that to her. Would it be possible that they were Half-Demon and a Half-Human Hybrid?"

Alastor: "Its a possibility. Sometimes Half Breeds have happened before in the past. But once agian that is sort of rare nowadays."

Loona: "I see. Well thanks for your outlook."

Alastor: "It was my pleasure. How is Nixx doing?"

Loona: "He is doing good. Bye."

Alastor: "Ta Ta Dear."

He hangs up and Loona sighs and looks over at Nixx who was looking up at her with a blank expression. Loona gives him a smile and says "Thanks for reccomending me to him. Even though I never thought about talking to that guy in a while. He was helpful." She pets Nixx and he purrs. Loona then picks him up and holds him close to her face near her muzzle. She says "I think we should go up and pay Verosika a visit. Check up on her?" Nixx coos back [Yes] he then gives her a lick on the tip of her muzzle and Loona giggles. They then head up stairs and head for Verosikas Office.

They went inside and was surprised to see Moxxie in there with them speaking to Vortex. "I understand your concerned with my boss but she still needs lots of rest." Tex said. "But if I can just inspect the bruises on her body maybe I can identify them and see who or what could have raped her." Loona walks up and asks "What is going on? Mox what the fuck are you doing in here?" Ever since what happened to him before when he entered their Office it didn't go well. Mox turns towards Loona and says "I was just thinking that it was possible that I could check out- er look Verosika over and maybe determeined what happened."

Loona: "Mox. I appreciate what you are trying to do here but listen. You are a Weapons Specialist not a Doctor. How will you be able to find out what happened to her?"

Moxxie: "True Loona. But I managed to find out what Nixx was, well sort of. He is still Alien to us but there is a possiblity I can find out what individual did that kind of thing to her."

Loona: "Well. I just got off the phone with this one named Alastor and he have me his personal opinion. He believes it was a Half-Demon, Half Human Hybrid."

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