CH 2: DHORK Strikes Again

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As they got to the beach (Its where the Spring Broken Episode took place). They hid under the peir and looked for the Lifeguard. Mox was still upset about what happened last time when they were here. A jerk called him a opossum. He really wanted to kill that bastard. Too bad he wasn't one of their targets. Anyway Blitz was looking around and then said to Nixx "Sniff them out for us boy. You can do it." Nixx does a coo and goes out to find them. He scanned the area for them. He looked around. He was used to seeing these Humans. All wearing their skimpy clothing. He didn't think about it much. All he knew was that when he was a Car and they well... he was going to make sure to not let that happen again. He scanned the area more until. Targets spotted. Nixx went back to Blitz and the Couple and reported his finding. Blitz was pleased. "Good boy Nixx! And they are in a private spot. Too perfect! Lets go get em." Millie says "Right behind ya." They head towards the rocky point where it was private. And the place where the Lifeguard and the Big titted dumb bitch was.

There they were. Swimming around almost with not a care in the world. They soon got to the beach and that is when Nixx became his big form and pounced on top of both of them. The Lifeguard was under his right paw and his girlfriend was under his left. The Lifeguard struggled to get Nixx's paw off of him and his dumb girlfriend just screamed. Blitz moved in and shut her up with a pistol that had a silencer. The Lifeguard was killed by Moxxie who stabbed him in the head with one of his Kamas. Blitz then says "Ok. Both are down. One more to go." They went to a Market place where supposedly the Asshole Dad was shopping at. They saw him. He was purchasing his stuff and when the clerk gave him the price. The Dad got angry and said "Since when did the prices go up! I can't believe this!" The Clerk says "Sir. I am sorry. The prices went up a dollar for shortage of supplies."

The Asshole Dad replies "You know what else is going up. My foot, in your ass!" The Clerk gulped nervously. He was relieved though when the Guy pulled out his wallet and paid for the stuff anyway. Blitz, Mox, and Millie were watching along with Nixx. Millie was disgusted "Damn, what a fuck head." Mox agrees and says "Yeah, no wonder we were sent to kill him. Then again, who is the one that hired us and wanted him dead?" Blitz shrugs and says "No idea. It was the mysterious one in the cloak. They spoke in a shady voice. But he or she said they were willing to pay us plenty for his death." They see the Asshole leave the Market and then head down the sidewalk. The IMPs and Nixx followed him until he turned down a private street. Blitz jumped him and landed on his back. He put a knife to his neck and said "Hey fucker. Put your foot up someones ass? How about my knife in yours?" The guy said "Who the hell are you!?"

Blitz: "The one that will make you pay for your sins and assholness."

Meanwhile watching the security cameras was a DHORK Agent sitting with their feet up. As soon as a screen changed showing the three famliar looking Demons on screen pinning down their target. The Agent spat out their coffee they were drinking and immediately got on the phone.

Agent: "I got a code Red here! I repeat a Code Red! They are back at it again!"

"Excellent. We will get them this time. Due to getting some new weaponry. Well done Agent 24. Alert all other Agents!" Agent Two says and pressed an alarm button. She then hangs up and then turns towards her partner One. "We will get those bastards this time!" One nods in agreement and says "Yes. Now that we have guns we can take them. Let see if their big Owl Demon comes to save them this time." Two frowns and says "Don't remind me of that." The Agents of DHORK prepare. This time not with just weapons they had last time. But with Shotguns, Semi-Automatic Rifles, Pistols and Revolvers. They did get SMGs and stun batons. They came out of a door and headed for the location that was close by their new HQ they established recently and they made it to the private street. Mox saw them approching and said "Sir. Your not goanna believe this." Blitz looked and saw them. "Not these shit heads again." The Guy then pushed Blitz off and made a break for it. Millie tried to get him but the Agents stopped her. Shit, the last target got away.

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