Ch 16: Final Round

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Blitz couldn't agree more than to just get the fuck out of there. Meanwhile Artimis was hit back again and let out a groan of pain and anger. Taul says "Fool. I should have just let you stay dead. Now time to kill you myself!" Just then Artimis fired two lazer beams out of his eyes and hit Taul back. "You should have not let me have more power." Taul got up hissing in anger and his hood came off. His face was finally revealed. He had a non-human head. In fact it looked similar to a plauge doctors mask or a skeletal horse head and he also had two black Ram like horns that curved at his sides. His eyes still glowed green and he had purple fire as hair or a mane. He snarls at Art who stared at him and then said "Just what the fuck are you!?" Taul responds and says "Something you won't even understand you pathetic Ape!" A dark purple aura then glowed around him and he started to hover. His body almost was exposed do to his cloak fluttering around him. His body was mostly purple with some markings on his body.

His chest was soon exposed as well as his legs. His wings appeared and then a serpentine tail was now visible. "NOW I WILL SHOW YOU REAL POWER!!" Taul Dread spoke in a Demonic hissing voice. Artimis then got up and showed he was still not letting up. "BRING IT ON YOU FREAK!!" He flew up and went towards Taul but didn't hit him. Taul dogded to the side and grabbed Art by the throat and began to choke him with a clawed hand. Art struggled to get out of his grasp. Then Taul then gave him an electrical shock that was really painful. As Art was screaming in agony Nixx along with Blitz, Johnny and the M Couple wer outside sort of watching the fight. Then Nixx had them all climbed on his back.

Then Taul saw them and said "THEY ARE ESCAPING!! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!" He then threw Artimis aside and down to the ground where Art made a crater on impact. Taul then teleported in front of them. Blitz shot his Rifle at Taul but he deflected the bullets. Taul then did a shocked all of them with a powerful force sending them all back including Nixx. They all landed on the hard ground. Loona landed next to Blitz and Johnny, Millie and Moxxie landed next to each other. And Nixx landed on his own on between them all. Taul then went to a normal stance and began to walk up to them. Or Nixx mostly. Nixx growled and was standing up. "Please don't. I don't want to kill you." Dread said as he stood their with his arms crossed.

Nixx: "I won't do it!"

Taul: "You will!"

Nixx: "NO I WON'T!!"


Nixx snarls in response and looks over at Loona who was still on the ground but looking right at him. Nixx then looks down to the ground sadly and then says "I can't. I cannot mate with her. It won't work. She is not one of my species." Taul replies "But you must cross the chasm of your purity. Its the only way. It will make you, so much more. I can give you so much." Nixx was silent. Looking down and then at Loona. "Nixx. Its... Its ok." She didn't want to see Nixx get hurt or worse yet killed. She didn't want to face that pain again. She got up and walked up to him. "As long as its you~." She said sweetly.

Taul says "Sounds like she is giving you consent. Its your choice."

Nixx looks at Loona, deep in her eyes. He says "Loona I-" she shushes him and gives him a kiss on not just the muzzle, but the lips. Not like his lips were presentable but she kissed him anyway. Nixx blushes and almost moves back but he stood still. He gave in to her kiss which he was surprised he never thought that he would give in to something like this. He could take a grenade or a rocket to the face and not flinch, but this. This had a huge impact on him mentally. Then when Loona broke the kiss, she looked at him in a seductive way and reached down to look like she was about to remove her top. Just then she took out a small jar of Moonshine and opened it.

Nixx at first was confused when Loona opened it and poured it on herself. She leaned forward and said "Drink." Nixx understood. He lowered his head, appeared to be doing something to her breast when Loona was giving him the bottle of Millies Moms home made Cornwhiskey. Loona acted like he was sucking her breast to fool Taul who was watching with curiosity. Blitz's eyes were wide and Johnny's jaw went open. Moxxie was looking away and Millie did the same blushing. But then Nixx had a pulse go through his body. Then Loona shouted "NOW!" She stepped aside and Nixx shot a powerful Beam at Taul and sent him flying across the Island.

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