CH 8: Enemy of Hell

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A new day had begun

Little did they know what would it bring. Blitz had made Loona breakfast. It was blueberry waffles and chocolate syrup. He got Nixx a glass of Scotch and was having scrambled eggs. After breakfast they were soon heading out. They weren't going to work as they felt the need to take a break. And it was the weekend so why not? Blitz was thinking about at least going out and spending a Father and Daughter day with Loona. "So Loony dear. What do you feel like doing this fine day? Its getting hot, even though its Hell I think its starting to get hotter since the Summer is pretty much here."

Loona: "I agree. Since it has been becoming hotter I was thinking about going swimming."

Blitz: "Sounds like a lot of fun! Where at? The Pool?"

Loona: "Nah. Too many kids. Maybe the Beach. When me and Nixx went there I was thinking about coming back to swim there a bit."

Blitz: "Sounds good too me. I will get my swim shorts ready! I will also contact the M&Ms to see if they want to join us!"

Nixx liked the idea of going to the Beach and swimming again. It actually was one of his favorite things to do. Blitz called up the M couple and asked them about joining them. Moxxie was thinking of not wanting to but then Millie convinced him to go. Loona gave Octavia a text and asked if shea wanted to join in as well. Octavia texted back and gave a thumbs up and a "sure".

An hour or two later. At the beach.

Loona had just dressed up in her bikini. Nixx was waiting outside for her as he chose to. Loona came out and said "So. How do I look?" Nixx looked over at Loona had a black bikini on. [Looks good.] Nixx says. Loona says "Looks good? Is that all?" She crosses her arms and smiles slyly.

Nixx: [You look good. What else is there to say?]

Loona: "You don't want to admit I look quite sexy in this?"

She strikes a provocative pose and that makes Nixx blush orange. [Loona, please] Nixx uttered while lowering his head. Loona chuckles and goes over to give him a hug. "Relax Nixx. I was teasing." Just then Blitz walked up in his swim shorts and says "Alright! Now lets wait for the others and then its go time!" Loona says "We can already start swimming Blitz. The others can join us soon."

Blitz: "I guess. Last one in the water buys drinks tonight!"

He races off towards the water. Loona chases after him and Nixx gallops along with her. Nixx was big so he got Loona on his back and then just full on sprint towards the water. Nixx then lept over Blitz who was caught off guard and was shocked. Nixx dove into the water, was under for a moment and then surfaced. Nixx went back into the shallows and stood near his elbow deep.

Blitz: "I hardly saw that fair."

Loona: "Nixx offered to give me a lift. Blame him."

Nixx did his version of a laugh which was obvious. Blitz just rolled he eyes and then got into the water himself. "Shit its cold! Surprisingly for Hell!" Blitz said as he went in slowly. Loona shook her head and said "Then just dive under and get the shock over with!" She hugs Blitz, which caught him off guard and then fell under the water with him in her grasp. They resurfaced and Blitz shook himself off. He wasn't that upset with Loona as she was being playful abd she rarly did that. "I guess that works." He said.

He noticed how Nixx was splashing around in the water playfully but was being careful not to make huge waves. "I still can't believe that water doesn't affect him." Blitz stated. Loona repsonds "I know. I was amazed myself. I guess he isn't really mechanical at all. He still has metallic like skin but that is it."

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