Ch 11: Brutal Revenge

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As Loona woke up. She at up, yawned and then went to get ready for the day. Nixx was still asleep, he then woke up. Hearing the shower going he knew that Loona was in there. He got off the bed and went towards the window to look out. It was a pretty nice day today. He was wondering what they were going to be doing today. He was interested to see what other Humans they can go out to kill.

Then, he felt a hug from behing and bare fur. Well some. "Good morning Nixx!" Loona said while in a towel. She got out of the shower. [Morning Loona.] Nixx replied smiling. Loona then sat in the bed and crossed her legs. "I hope you are feeling better." Nixx nods and replied [I am. I know that I have let it all go. I think I need to have a shower myself.] Loona allowed him to do just that. Even though Nixx didn't need to he felt the urge to. He just rinsed off and then dried off.

They both went down stairs and Nixx made breakfast as Blitz was still sleeping. Loona was on her phone, like usual. And Nixx made some strawberry pancakes with choclate syrup. He placed a plate infront of Loona and he got one prepared for Blitz. He then poured a thing of Vodka for himself and began to drink it. Loona ate her Strawberry Pancakes and they were delicious. "You really know how to nail these Nixx."

Nixx: [Thanks. Anyway are we going to work today?]

Loona: "I think so. Blitz should be up in three... two...."

"AAAAHHH SHIT!!! WHAT TIME IS IT!?" Blitz cried from his bedroom. "Here he comes." Loona said casually. Blitz came down the stairs that he almost tripped. He went towards the table and said "Just, forgot to set my alarm so I thought I slept in late. Anyway. Whats for breakfast?" Loona replied "Nixx made strawberry pancakes with chocolate syrup." Blitz was pleased to hear that. So he sat down to eat. Loona said "Anything we are doing today."

Blitz: "Work of course! We got more clients. Oh and by the way. We still have one client that needs us to kill that one guy.... who is an asshole and.... Yeah."

Loona: "Blitz. Did that Cloaked, whoever the fuck he is. Tell you why he wanted us to kill that Asshole Father?"

Blitz: "....I don't know who he is. And I don't know why he wants us to kill the guy in the first place. He didn't even tell us how much he was willing to pay but he only said that we will get it once we full fill his request."

Blitz sighs and takes a bite of pancake and says "By the way. These are great Nixx." Nixx doesn't reply, he just smiles and drinks his vodka. After they finished breakfast. Blitz got into the IMP Van to go to the HQ. Loona rode on Nixx's back and they went to go get the M Couple. They arrived and Moxxie and Millie were already outside waiting for them. Nixx landed, and let them climb on. He then took off after.

Millie: "Well Mornin you two! Whats new for today?"

Loona: "Well, we got to work. Blitz wants us to complete this one guys request before moving on to others."

Millie: "And who is that?"

Loona replies "The creepy Cloaked Asshole."

Moxxie then remembers and then says "Him? Oh yeah I forgot about that guy. Has he been pestering us about it still?"
Loona didn't want to reply to that in the honest way. She was kind of hesitant to tell them about what the Cloaked Figure had told Loona that Nixx comfirmed with her yesterday. "Blitz just thinks its for the best. It will make the Company look bad." It made sense. But since when did Blitz get obsessed with completing a Hit? Mox thought about this but then he decided to leave it be.

They soon made it to IMP HQ and went in. Blitz was already in his Office going over some paper work. He noticed them come in and said "Good you guys are here! Please sit down. We need to have a serious meeting!" They all sat down on a lounge couch. Nixx sat on the right of Loona, and both Millie and Moxxie sat beside each other on her left. Blitz cleared his throat. "Now listen up! We got a serious situation here. We have managed to carry out the kill requests of other clients. All accept this one. This mysterious Figure in the Cloak had us go kill this bald headed ass fuck for quite some time. We had him until those shit suckers DHORK decided to ruin everything. Well, we reminded them why they don't fuck with us."

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