CH 5: Transformation

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Loona got up early and let Nixx sleep. He was tired from last night. Perhaps he would love to have some of Millie's Moms Moonshine for breakfast. It would be like his coffee in the morning. She then woke Nixx up. "Wakey wakey little dude. You ready to visit Earth again?" Nixx got up, stretched and yawned like a Cat and responded "Burr."

Loona: "Don't worry. I am sure what happened before won't happen again."

Nixx: "Murr rurr coo~?"

Loona says "I promise. If they do then they will regret it. After seeing what you did to the last three."

Nixx smiles and actually does admit that Loona was right. He fucked up the last three Humans he encountered before. Loona then gave him a short glass of Moonshine for a booster and then had Breakfast herself. Blitz was still asleep and Loona decided to not wake him up. She did leave a note for him to let him know where she was so he didn't worry.

"Morning! Me a Nixx went to Earth for a bit. Don't worry we will be fine. Be back in an hour or so. Love you, Loona."

Loona placed the note on the fridge and then got the Grimore to create a protal to the Surface. She made sure it was in secluded area so they weren't seen. They went through the protal and were in a Forest. Loona didn't mind that, she knew that Nixx was fast and could take her anywhere she wanted. Nixx grew to big size and let Loona climb on. Nixx then did a "burr coo" sound and looked back. Loona knew he was asking were to go. "I guess we can go to the lake first." Nixx understood and lifted up to the sky and took of at amazing speed.

He flew across the land towards the Lake that they were at before so he knew where it was. He saw the Lake approaching and slowed down. He landed near a spot right by the waters edge. "Why did you land here Nixx?" Loona asked. Nixx did a shrill and a coo and motioned towards the water. Loona understood. Nixx implied they go swimming. But there was an issue, Loona didn't bring her swimming outfit. Nixx just does a "Murrap cooo~." (You don't need it.) Loona looks up at him with a surprised look. "What!? You want me to swim naked!?" Nixx looks over at Loona and gives her the "of course" face.

Loona: "Nixx, you cannot be serious! What if someone sees me?"

Nixx looks around and does a "Burr murr." [Its pretty secluded here. No one will see you.] Loona didn't know how she managed to understand Nixx until now but she assumed that was what he was telling her. Loona sighs and looks around and says "Alright. Just this once. But you will let me know if you sense some near by right?"

Nixx: "Mrrrap Coo Burrr" [Of course I will!]

Loona: "Alright. I'll take your word on that."

Loona gets undressed and both her and Nixx enter the water. The water was shallow and went up to Loonas waist. Nixx was splashing around and actually  dove under the surface and swam pretty well using his tail to propell himself through the water. Loona was shocked to see how well he swam. Then he popped back up and shook the water off. Loona says "You are pretty good in the water. Here let me get on your back!" Nixx allowed her to climb on his back and Nixx swam out farther into the deeper part of the Lake. He then dove under with Loona and began to swim fast almost like a Whale or a Dolphin (Or an Orca). Loona was holding on but knew Nixx was keeping her on his back due to that forcefield he had.

Nixx then actually breached up over the surface (like an Orca, again) and then down back into the water. Loona was having a wonderful time and when Nixx breached again she shouted "WOOOHOOO FUCK YEAH!!" Nixx then dove back under. Little did they know, they were being watched. Artie was there spying on them. He just so happened to be in the woods walking around enjoying his time in Nature until he came across Nixx and Loona. Loona was completly naked riding on Nixx's back and this was too perfect. After swimming around Nixx and Loona then sort of bathed a bit in the Lake and then Loona got out, shook herself off and dried off. Nixx made that easy as he fanned her with his tail.

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