CH 7: Targeted

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Artimis was pissed after Nixx swiped him like that. Next time he won't go so easy on him. Artimis left Hell for now but was sworn to return.

Loona and Nixx arrived home safely and got home. Blitz was popping some popcorn and asked her how the Party went. Loona told him all about the incident and Blitz was shocked. He then called up Stolas and told him about the incident as well. Stolas was at first skeptical about the whole thing. How could a Human with such power be in Hell? He didn't see it as being possible. Blitz was a little fustrated with Stolas for not believing in him and Loona. He swore that his Daughter would never just make something up for no reason.

Loona had went to bed with Nixx trying to forget about the terrifying ordeal. However, it was still scary to think that at any moment that the big horrid man could show up agian, trying to snatch her up and do who knows what to her. At least she had Nixx. He would protect her no matter what. Loona hugged Nixx close against her chest and Nixx purred happily and snuggled with her.

A day or so later

Coco and Apple were on Earth in their Human disguises and walking down a shopping area. They were trying to get some time out of the Office to clear their heads from Verosika Maydays state. Sure she was starting to recover, slowly. "Shit, I hope we don't end up running into whoever Verosika ran into. I would sure hate to end up like that!" Apple said nervously.

Coco: "Calm down Apple. We just need to keep a low profile. As long as we just play it cool nothing bad will happen to us."

Little did they know, already Artimis was watching them from high up on a building top. "Well well. Two delicious Succubi to fuck. Not a mind if I do." He whipsered sinisterly.

Apple: "Why are we up here any way? Can't we just go back home?"

Coco: "Can you please relax. I know a good place were we can take a short little vacation from the crazy shit thats been going on."

Apple: "And were is that?"

Coco: "Just follow me."

Apple did as she looked around nervously again just to be sure they weren't being watched. The street was pretty quiet and there was barely anyone around. Apple was quite nervous as she really just wanted to get home as soon as possible. However she was interested to see what Coco had in mind. They soon got there which was a nice looking park with a little creek or stream.

Coco: "See. A nice place for us to have some alone time together~."

Apple blushed and said "Oh Coco. You naughty girl~." They soon started making out on a nice smooth patch of grass near the stream. As they maked out with each other they already started groping one another and started to get to more into their kiss. Just then they felt the presence of some one near. "Why hello there ladies." A deep male voice said. They looked over and saw a man standing in the shadows. It was Artimis of course. He emerged out of the darkness and looked at them with a sinister smile. He was wearing long grey cargo jeans and some brown laced up boots with a black tank top shirt and a leather jacket over it. He managed to find some clothes that fit him.

Both Coco and Apple were shocked and a bit firghtened seeing him. They felt a very threatening vibe coming off of him. They were a bit scared, Coco said "Fuck off you pervert!" Artimis only responded with a sort of a maniacal laugh and said "Why should I? You two look like you could use some company." Apple then said to Coco "I don't think he is taking a no for an answer."

Coco: "You better get out of here or we will murder you asshole!"

Artimis: "Your Demons aren't you? Your pitiful disguises don't fool me. And you are welcome to try. But, you will just end up like your Boss Lady did."

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