Ch 17: Moving On

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Nixx was sitting at cliff looking at the Cityscape of IMP City. He rememebered what Artie said. That the true scars are done mentally and to the heart. Those ones are the ones that never heal. They are permanent. Nixx understood what he meant. He suffered from that. But he felt those scars heal ever since he met Loona. "You alright?" Asked Loona from behind. Nixx turns to her and says "Yeah. Just, enjoying the view." Loona smiled and says "Well. We got to go in. I think Austin found us some new Humans for us to kill." Nixx smiles and says "Ok. As long as they don't have any super powers and hard on for you."
Loona gives Nixx a "Really?" Look and Nixx chuckled at it. She then said "Come on. Blitz... Dad would like us to come in and tend to the meeting."

Nixx agreed and they went to walk back in. "So. Who we killing this time?" Nixx asked. Loona replies looking at her phone. She saw a picture of Octavia and another male Bird Demon with green feathers and eyes. Below it she typed in "Found someone new! Love for you to meet him!" Loona smiles and says "Some Millionaire Asshole and his Gold Digger Wife. Some Shithead Teenagers and finally Rapper." Nixx nods and says "The usual huh?"

Loona: "Pretty much."

They got to the Office and Blitz says "Alright! Back to Buisness. Having a week off was the best thing for us all but we can't hold ourselves back. There are cock suckers that need to be offed and pay for their sins!" He then turns to Nixx and says "You ready for this Nixx? I know you might still be tired for fighting Artimis last week but I think I will need you." Nixx looks at Blitz and says "I am ready. More than 100%."

Blitz: "Glad to hear it. Ok, I am sure you all have an idea who we are going after and why our client Austin wants them dead."

Loona: "A Millionaire, a Rapper and a group of Teens."

Moxxie: "Wait. A group Teens?"

Blitz: "Yes Moxxie a group of Teens. Now don't even think of that just know they are our targets! Anyway we should get the Millionaire and his Bitch wife out of the way first."

Loona: "Agreed. I hate snooty rich assholes! Except Octavias Dad. But a couple like that diserves to have their heads pinned on a stake!"

Blitzø: "Thats my girl Loony! Now lets not waste any more time! Lets get back to tasting the blood of Sinners!"

Nixx smiles and says "I couldn't agree more. I will need to drink some more Scotch to refuel and power up!"

Blitz replies "Of course." Nixx drinks a tall glass of Scotch and gets a shock of more energy. They were ready, Loona activated the Portal. As they went through they were in some country side. Or at least some where in Texas. Blitz says "Well. This is a first for us." Millie sniffs the air and says "Smells familiar to me! Yep! Country Land! Just like in Wrath!" Moxxie agrees cause he smelt it too. The Rich bastards were near by as Nixx could sense them. Loona sniffed them as well. They found their Estate and they snuck in. Nixx disabled their security cameras and killed one of their Guards. He then dragged their body out of sight.

The couple was in the living room talking until Blitz, Millie, Moxxie, Loona  and Nixx broke in and pretty much slaughtered them. They soon left as they could. Next was the Teens. Austin saw them Bully a kid to the point of suicide and so he felt they needed to pay with their own lives. Moxxie did not know how Blitz talked him into this but, he made him dress up as a child, or one in a hoodies and regular clothes and lured them into a isolated area. Nixx ambushed them and pinned them into a warehouse. The Teens were thinking it was a prank at first.

That was when Nixx vaporized one of them and they panicked. The next thing that happened was that Blitz, Millie and Moxxie himself pulled out their weapons and killed them all. The Warehouse was covered in their blood and guts. Most of them were fat so their chunks of flesh were everywhere. Loona even joined in and sadistically tortured some of them.

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