Cat and Dog teamwork

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Cat Noir was practicing his pole dance without an audience this time. He wanted to be less cruel like a villain for his princess but when Flairmidable is around, he has to act viciously like a cat to the canine. He was performing his dance with the suit unzipped to expose his pecs and abs.

"My princess would swoon seeing me like this," He thought.

"You definitely have a perfume scent on you. I can smell it and my canine senses never lie. What are you up to?" Flairmidable also did pole dancing too to talk to the feline.

"Just to attract my special lady" Cat Noir replied in a deadpan.

"Ruff, a special lady?" Flairmidable hung upside down.

"Yep, and no, it's not Volpina," Cat Noir said.

"And I thought she was the one for you" Flairmidable jumped down from the pole.

"Not a backstabbing fox like her" Cat Noir said.

Flairmidable barked like a dog and Cat Noir flinched from his cat instincts and hung on the pole like a cat would on a tree.

"MEOW!" Cat Noir screeched.

"Hahaha! This is why dogs chase cats." Flairmidable laughed and the feline jumped down with an angry look.

"Do that again and I'll claw your face" Cat Noir growled.

"Aww....the kitty is scared of dogs" Flairmidable making fun of him.

"I'm not scared!" Cat Noir crossed his arms.

"Don't try to deny it" Flairmidable grinned smugly.

"Shut up" Cat Noir hissed and then saw a group of thugs wearing a fox-themed outfit, "Shit! Run! RUN!" He grabbed Flairmidable's hand and made their way out the emergency exit door.

Then they decided to steal a car to get away since Cat Noir knows that these are Volpina's thugs and they do not like to get their prey away. Cat Noir punched the driver seat window to unlock the doors from inside, "Get in!" The feline said to the canine.

Flairmidable sat next to him and when Cat Noir was about to pull back, he accidentally backed into another car, damaging its front.

"Any time now!" Flairmidable shouted.

"Shut up!" Cat Noir set the car to drive at full speed.

Soon enough one Fox-thug took out an Uzi gun and fired at the ceiling window of the car.

"Agh! Hold on!" Cat Noir pressed the gas pedal.

"Grr!! Unbelievable!" Flairmidable growled and turned the steering wheel hard to move the car in reverse. They saw the thug on the motorbike approach them.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Cat Noir argued.

"Saving your nine lives!" Flairmidable kicked his door open and it tore off by the lamppost. The flew towards the thug and it made him fly off his bike, "You're welcome" Flairmidable said sarcastically to Cat Noir.

They drove to the main road to escape the fox villains.

"So what's the plan?" Flairmidable asked.

"My plan is to drive us away!" Cat Noir said while driving.

"That's a shit plan because we got a bad boy coming!" Flairmidable looked behind and saw a large truck pushing through the lanes, not caring if the drivers are injured.

"Take the wheel" Cat Noir put it on cruise control and climbs out the window to the car roof. Flairmidable gets into his seat to take over the car.

"Time for this big boy to take a nap" The feline took out a gun to shoot.

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