Cat and Dog

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Marinette has never seen a gentleman side of this criminal feline. She thought he would be careless, cold, and vicious but she sees no evil in him. For a criminal, he probably knows how to charm women.

"A red rose? Really?" Marinette raised a brow.

"Yeah, consider this a gift from your friendly neighbor cat," Cat Noir said.

"Or cat burglar" Marinette accepted the rose.

"That will work too," Cat Noir said.

"Are you always charming to women or am I the only one?" Marinette asked, bringing him inside so no one sees him.

"Sometimes. Well my former partner Volpina and I were once a duo but she just abandoned me one day" Cat Noir said.

"You mean that sly fox?" Marinette asked.

"Yes, she toyed with me with her lies," Cat Noir said.

"And you didn't have the guts to kill her? You're one lousy villain" Marinette chuckled and opens the fridge to get milk for him.

"Yeah, but I do not tolerate when serial killers and rapists try to kill people," Cat Noir said and accepts a glass of milk from Marinette.

"Hmmm.....or is that you don't like to kill women?" Marinette can see he's hiding something.

"Well yeah, that or that she was my partner," Cat Noir said.

"You sound like you have a grudge. Very unattractive for a cat" Marinette said, laughing at his cockiness.

"I do, that's why I work alone," He said.

"A lone wolf? You could've been a wolf-themed criminal than a cat" Marinette snickered.

"Black cats bring bad luck, princess. I prefuuuurrrr to be a cat than a wolf" Cat Noir smirked and took a sip of his milk, "Meow"

"You make cat puns? Hmph! Not amused by it" Marinette huffs in annoyance and warmed up leftover chicken meat in the microwave.

"Well, you have to deal with them too" Cat Noir laughed.

The microwave dings and Marinette takes out the warm leftover chicken to eat, "I suppose. But you really are a funny guy" She said.

"Merci. And you are beautiful like a puuurrrrrincess" Cat Noir made a pun.

"That was an awful pun but thanks" Marinette rolled her eyes and arched the empty glass cup from him.

"You're welcome" Cat Noir replied.

"Anyways, don't you have robbery to do?" Marinette asked as she ate her dinner at the table.

"Maybe. See you soon, my princess" Cat Noir got to the balcony and blew a kiss at her.

The bluenette shuddered when he did that, "Ugh! Can he stop being so charming?" She scoffed.


With Cat Noir, he leaps across the rooftops back to his own home at a mansion, "Claws in" In a bright green flash stood a handsome man with emerald green eyes and blond hair.

"Wow, what a day," Adrien said and sighs in love after having met Marinette as Cat Noir.

"You finally managed to speak to her as Cat Noir" A cat creature floating next to him.

"I sure did, Plagg," Adrien said to the creature, revealed to be Plagg.

"But how long will you have the guts to tell her as Adrien? The real you this time?" Plagg asked and goes to the cupboard to grab his cheese.

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