Falena Defeated

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The feline made his way into the nightclub to prove to the baddies that he's back from the dead. Surely, they did believe the new criminal but never showed proof.

"It is a good day to come back from the dead" He announced once he came in.

"You're alive?!" One thug gasps.

"Nine lives" Cat Noir chuckled evilly and walked up on stage to do pole dancing in cat style.

He flipped back and with his feet on the pole slowly glided down bending his body, then stands straight up and pulls the zipper down to expose his torso. It made the women swoon at those pecs. Especially making men roll their eyes in annoyance. The feline villain smirked and walked on stage, seeing one who is drunk and not paying attention. Cat Noir jumps and slams on the man's shoulders, causing him to feel his bones crunch.

"AAAAAARGH!!!" The man screamed.

"Now that you're awake, I am back from the dead" Cat Noir laughed and jumps back on stage, "Falena is not taking my place as top criminal"

"Long live Cat Noir!" Some chanted.

"Merci. Now then, while I was away, has that bitch come to my nightclub?" He asked the baddies.

"Several times to take your spotlight," The bartender said.

"And?" He jumps down and sat at the bar table.

"And she boasted that she managed to kill you" The bartender continued.

"Well, she's a liar for making you all believe that. You all would miss me and feel feared by her" Cat Noir chuckled and tells the bartender to get him a glass of milk.

"Coming up" The bartender pours a glass for him.

"That crazy chick has been stealing your moves in the club! She even broke one of the men's necks!" The thug said.

"That is seriously messed up!" Another thug said.

"Is she extremely beyond evil?" Cat Noir took a sip of his milk.

"Maybe because she wants to be more infamous," A thug said.

"She doesn't care about being infamous, she cares about glory for herself. I'm not like her. I may be a villain but she's much worse. What else has she done?" Cat Noir asked.

"She's much worse than you. She abused us last night" A woman said.

"How exactly?" He asked.

"This" The woman shows some bruises on her wrist.

"This too" A thug showed some scars.

Everyone else did the same at how horrible that woman was while he was away. This made the cat angry at how cruel that liar is. He's nothing like her; sure he has stomped on men's legs but he would never do something like her.

"I'm going to challenge her again, to prove I'm the superior" Cat Noir then announced.

"You have no idea what she's like. She's like a demon from hell that shows no mercy" The woman said with fear.

"I've fallen once and I won't fall again" Cat Noir replied.

"She nearly abused my bulldog. She could threaten your kittens, Mr. Noir. She's a monster" The thug whimpered.

"Animal abuser. I never abuse animals but she'll be my next kill list. I'm not letting her harm my puuuurrrrrecious kittens" Cat Noir growled.

"That's the spirit!" The thug smiled.

"I need more strength. Give me something to let out a steam of pressure" Cat Noir said.

"Okay. Do you want Falena to steal your spotlight?" One of them asked.

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