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The next day, Cat Noir had to stay in his princess' place to recover after last night's incident. He was lucky to survive that stab. He was able to put back his suit on his upper body. He had to stay in bed to get better and not move around so much or the wound will make it worse.

"I'm going out shopping. Kitty. Do you want me to buy you something?" Marinette asked him.

"My favorite cat food as usual and some pain killers. Please be safe, my princess. You know your knight in black leather armor is injured" Cat Noir said with concern.

"Got it, kitty. I'll be right back" Marinette kissed his cheek.

"Good luck princess" Cat Noir folded his arms. He hopes to god that she makes it back home. With a stab on his stomach, he can't save her. He had to rest to recover.

"Claws in" He detransformed to let his kwami rest too, "If she gets back, I gotta stay as Cat Nour. Find something to eat, Plagg" Adrien said.

"Okay. I wonder if she got cheese" Plagg said.

"And don't leave a mess" Adrien warned.

"Okay" Plagg went to the kitchen and phased through the fridge to search for cheese, "Oh well this cheddar will do" Plagg found a piece of cheddar.

Adrien was still thinking about whether he tells her his identity but it could lead to serious consequences if something bad happens to her. He also worried if Marinette would reject him for that. Plagg came back from his lunch and let Adrien say the transformation words to turn back to Cat Noir.

"Plagg claws out!" He transformed back.

"How's your catnap?" Flairmidable appeared out of nowhere.

"Never been better. My princess is buying some painkillers" Cat Noir said.

"You seem to love her, don't you, cat man?" Flairmidable can see that this kitty is being way too soft on that woman.

"Yes, she's the right one for me" Cat Noir admitted.

"Woof, what happened to being all malicious and wild?" Flairmidable asked.

"Is there a problem? I mean as a civilian I'm the opposite of what I am" Cat Noir said.

"What I mean is that you've been a villain for years and now you're leaning towards to being a soft little kitten," Flairmidable said.

"Maybe because my heart chooses her and after seeing how much of a bigger threat Lila has become," Cat Noir said.

"In other words, you're trying to show you're not that heartless" Flairmidable said.

"I'm never that heartless." Cat Noir growled.

"You have killed bad guys without mercy," Flairmidable said.

"That's what an Anti-hero or an Anti-villain does, doggie" Cat Noir got up.

"You couldn't kill Lila" Flairmidable crossed his arms.

"I could if she threatened those I love" Cat Noir glares at him.

"She threatened your soul. Does that count?" Flairmidable snickered.

"Yeah, and she'll regret that" Cat Noir replied.

Flairmidable's dog ears twitched that he hears Marinette, "I gotta go. I'll find that bitch and avenge you, kitty cat" He jumped out the window.

"What a puppy" Cat Noir waved and laid back down as Marinette came in, "Thank god you're okay" Cat Noir sighed in relief.

"I'm always on my watch. I brought more milk and some tuna" Marinette said.

"And I thought you went to the vet to make an appointment for me" Cat Noir teased.

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