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The next morning, Adrien heard on the news that a dog-themed person just got dog caged, literally, by a group of thugs and now he has to save him again. That mangy mutt still likes to work alone and get himself captured, like a dog that can't resist juicy steak and bones.

"Great, now my cousin needs my help again. I told him not to fall into their traps." Adrien groaned in frustration and turned off the TV.

"Plagg claws out!" He transformed into Cat Noir and got out of the mansion.

The thugs he saw were dressed up in peacock themes. Must be Mayura's henchmen and Cat Noir knows where to find them. At the abandoned train station.

"Hang on dog man" He went after them.

"This way, our leader can't wait," The thugs said.

"That big dog nearly bit my damn hand. Make sure he gets trained!" One of them said as they head to the abandoned train station.

Cat Noir sneaked behind them unnoticed as he followed. He can't let them know he's here or they'll kill him without mercy, "I better come up with a plan" He thought as he now saw his cousin in a dog cage while Mayura interrogating him.

"Come on, Mayura. Dogs hunt birds you know. I was just gonna steal your fan, not your brooch" Flairmidable being sly but Mayura snacked her fan on the dog cage, startling the canine.

"Don't play games with me, Flairmidable! You're still trying to outdo Cat Noir!" Mayura replied.

"It's true, Mayura!" Flairmidable protested.

"What are you even planning on using my fan for? Cool yourself?" Mayura mocked.

"What can I say? Blue is my favorite color" Flairmidable smirked.

"You are one funny guy, dog boy" Mayura chuckled.

"I can't wait to bite off your feathers, Mayura. Like a chew toy" Flairmidable laughed.

"SILENCE!" Mayura yelled.

"Grrrrrrr!!!!! All I need is a bite" Flairmidable growled but can't get out of the cage.

"You will try but you can't escape me," Mayura said.

"Cats eat birds for breakfast, Mayura" Cat Noir lurking.

"Cat Noir! Snooping around as usual?" Mayura sees him.

"I blend in the shadows, Mayura" Cat Noir blending in the dark.

"Show yourself!" She demanded.

"Very well" Cat Noir showed and he jumped on her shoulders, locking his legs around her neck, making her fall.

"Hey let me go!" Mayura screamed.

"Heh, you birds don't like to be eaten by dogs and cats," Cat Noir said but then the peacock-themed henchmen with guns came in, ready to shoot.

"Eat lead, Kitty!" One used a shotgun to shoot at him.

The feline got off of Mayura and hid inside the rusty train to avoid getting shot. Bullets ricochet the rusty metals of the train that Cat Noir is hiding in, "Always the hard way" Cat Noir loads his gun and peeks out the window, and shoots at one of the henchmen.

"AAARGH MY LEG!" One got hit in the leg.

Then he shot the other one and did the same thing to the others. He doesn't like things that are way too easy but the hard part is that Mayura got away but she left Flairmidable in his cage.

He came out of his hiding and immobilized the henchmen by shooting their legs so they don't try to stand up. Their pain didn't bother the feline. He then kicked their guns aside.

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