The  Mystery Girl

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Deku's POV

"Attention everyone, I would like to announce, that our trip that we are taking is going to be at the hero's museum." Everyone cheered! This was only because it was very hard to get tickets to go there. 'So this is probably the only chance we will get, so I'm also excited...but sadly I have no one to hang out with because I'm quirkless.'

"Okay, I'm passing out the form...but remember turn this in by Friday or you won't be going." And with that the bell rung.

"Okay well I guess it's best if I get going, don't want my mom to worry." Out of nowhere Kacchan steals my hero notebook. "What is this lame excuse of trying to become a hero. You're pathetic and a stalker."

"It's not like that at all."
Next thing you know he makes my notebook explode and throws it out the window.

"You won't be needing that nerd, since you will never be a hero anyways." After that they start to leave. "Oh wait...Deku I got a way you could get a quirk, just take a swan drive off the roof of the building."

'This almost pushed me over the breaking point...for once I got the courage to turn around and say something, but for some reason I think he could sense that I was about to do it and turned around making tiny explosion in his hand.'

~"You going to say something Deku."~

Welp, that courage jumped out the window. "N-no." 'That's what I thought.' And with that he left finally.

Bakugo's POV:

We walked out of the school. "Hey Bakugo what's up, wanna hang out."

"No I'm going home, you should do the same." I said annoyed.

"Okay sure see you tomorrow then."

'We went our separate ways. I decided to get a snack at a gas station before I went home. I go in and look around.' "Hmmm I guess I will get this." 'I went up to the register and go to by my food/snack.'

"$5.34 please." I paid then left.

'I looked at my phone to see what time it was. It was 4:30.' "Shit my mom is going to kill me, I was supposed to help clean the house at that time, I guess I will have to take the back ways so maybe I can get their before 4:45."

'So that's what I did. The first left I took,  I didn't expect to just see a guy hovering over a dead body.' "What the hell, did you just kill that person." I said angrily

"Yeah, do you want to be next one blondie." He turned around and it looked like his face was melting off it was to dark to tell properly. I started to back away. I'm not going to lie this shit scared me.

"What wrong with your face."I said worriedly.

"Thats rude, my face is fine they just did a few experiments on me." He smiled at me.

"What do you mean." I said as I kept backing away.

"Oh silly me you don't know, well I was all alone and some nice people took me in, so now I'm all better.....I'm not a freak or any thing like that." Out of nowhere the man disappeared and a hand grabbed my shoulder.

"Shit..." I jumped away from the man.

"Why are you running aren't we friends."

"No we're not and plus I don't even know your name."

"Oh silly me, maybe I should show you my real face."

The guys face melted off and a girl appeared naked. "What the hell put some clothes on."

"Nope and plus my names Toga." She said giggling.

"Well I need to get going."

"But we were just having fun, maybe you should come with me."

"Nope your crazy bye."

I tried to walked away, but she hit me and everything thing went black.

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