Now I Know

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Deku pov:
I made it back home and went straight to the fridge. I grabbed the first thing that looked good. Then I put it in the microwave so it could heat up.


I pulled the pizza out of the microwave and sit down and begin to eat. I was about to eat my last bite of the pizza when I heard I scream outside the house. This made me sad because I finally got comfortable.

I go out to see a girl scared out of here life. So I walked up to her. "Hey what's wrong you seem very scared." She looked at me and calmed down a bit. "Someone or something was chasing after me."

"But miss there's no one here." I said looking around. "B-but, HEY LOOK THERE!!" I turn around just to get kicked in the face.

I fell to the ground with a big oof. I looked up just to see a guy with black hair and a burnt body. "Sorry but I need that woman." He started to walk closer to the woman. So out of instinct I slung my web. The dude flew and got stuck to the wall. So I ran to the woman, grabbed her hand and ran off with her till I thought it was safe.

"Are you okay miss." "Yeah I'm just fine ha ha." I looked at her weird because she was laughing. Out of nowhere her body started to melt off. Revealing a teenage girl with blonde hair and almost naked. "Hey where the heck are you're clothes." I said covering up my eyes so I wouldn't see anything.

"Don't worry about it, all you need to worry about is yourself."  I uncover my hands just to see her charging at me with a tube of green liquid. So I tried throwing my webs at her but sadly no avail. Shit at this rate she might hit me.

In the corner of my eye I see something white. I turned to look and it was Aizawa. He caught her with his capturing scarf. "You alright problem child." "Yeah I am." "Good." He was about to knock her out but the dude I caught my wet burned Aizawa's was scarf and freed the girl and then disappeared.

"I'm so confused right now." "Why that it was two villains." "Yeah but I save that girl.....from being attacked by that man, then out of nowhere she tried to attack me, after I just saved her." I said confused out of my mind. " Problem was all part of their plan."

"But—." "No Buts let's just get back home okay." "Yeah okay."

Bakugo POV:

You got to be kidding me right now. "Deku is spider boy." I said after seeing him fight Toga and Dabi.  I sat down on the building I was on. "All I wanted to do was to check if he made it back home safe, not find out that he is spider boy or man shit."

But besides that I need to go find Toga and Dabi. Just to see why they left me. So I get up and go on a search quest to go find those two idiots.

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