New Sister!!!

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Deku's POV

"Bye Kacchan, come again." I was about to shut the door, but then a hand stopped it. "Deku, you forgot something." I was puzzled what did I my knowledge i didn't forget anything, or did I. I was so trapped in thought, that I didn't realize that someone grabbed my arm and pull me.

Next thing you know I feel lips on mine, kacchan was kissing me again. A few seconds the kiss ended and I was in a daze. "Goodnight princess, see you tomorrow." And with that he left. After a few minutes of standing there with the door opened, until a voice knocked me out of my trance. "Hey problem child, you gonna shut the door or let the bugs in?"

I shut the door and turned around. "Ha ha ha, sorry about that....I'm just gonna head to bed." I was about to go upstairs, but my dad stopped me. "Izuku, come back down here we need to talk." I was a little scared because I knew what it was about. So I sat down next to him and wait for him to start griping at me.

" know what this is about, so I'm just going to cut to the chase....Why were you on top of Bakugo." I started to turn red, I really don't know why I was on top of him, it just kinda happened....I was in the mood. "I-I ummm....I was kissing him and that's it." He gave me a stern look. "Then why were you on top of him, you can kiss him on the lips without getting on his lap." I got a little irritated, so I said something I probably shouldn't have said. "We we're about to have sex dad, I was about to let him fuck my brains out."

This pissed him off, but thankfully papa came over and joined are conversation. "Aizawa, honey maybe we should drop this discussion because teenagers are going to be teenagers...just think how you were." Dad push papa away. "Shut up, don't say that in front of izuku, it's embarrassing." Papa gave a big smile. "Well enough of that, Aizawa...tell him what we are about to do in the next few days." "What are you guy doing, please don't tell me you're gonna have sex...or I'm going to kacchan's." They both started to laugh. "Problem child, I can ensure you we ain't doing that in a while...but besides that, me and Hizashi... decided to adopt a little girl."

"Wait that means....IM GETTING A LITTLE SISTER!!!! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED ONE." I said jumping up and down. "Yes you are, but calmed down...this Little girl is special, her quirk can rewind people...but here's the catch she has no clue how to control it, so when she first developed it she killed her own father." I felt bad for the girl, I know how it feel to loose a Parent. "So how are we supposed to help her control her quirk."

"Well you know how I have the eraser ability that's how." I understand he could stop her...but how is she post to learn how to control her if he stops her. "So what is she going to use her quirk on." Dad sighed. "Well that Izuku, I have no clue...but besides that I wanted to warn you, not to have sharp things around her...just be careful around her because she didn't have such a good childhood." I gave both my dad a big smile. "Don't worry I will make sure she feels happy and I promise to be the best big brother to her." And with that I headed to my room to get some rest.

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