I Can't Have Any Fun!!

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Deku POV:

It been a week since my mom died. I'm still upset but I'm finally going back to school after a week break. But sadly I have to go back to school and face everyone again and I'm not ready for it at all.

I finally arrive at school and enter. I walk through the halls till I got to class 1a's door. I opened it up. Out of nowhere someone jumps on top of me and we both proceed to fall on the floor. I look up just to see.....Uraraka

"Where have you been it's been so lonely without you." She said worriedly. "Welp I would tell you if you get off of me you're kind of squishing me to death." She gets off me and helps me up. "Sorry sometimes when I get hyper or miss someone this happens so next time you better tell me so I don't get lonely." "Fine okay." The bell rings and everyone sits down and the teacher walks up to the podium.

"So for our work studies are doing really good, but there's a new villain around....we don't know if he's good or bad, all we know is that he doesn't have a hero license so all in all he needs to be captured....so for now we're going to send two groups each shift so there's a better chance you can get them and if all possible try to stay together don't split up...well that's all goodnight.." out of nowhere he becomes a yellow caterpillar and falls to the ground passes out.

"Gosh he will never change." I feel pressure on my shoulder, so I decided to turn around to see who did it. And to my surprise it was Todoroki. "Oh hey Shoto, how it hanging." "Oh nothing, where were you this week and why did you miss." He has very curiously. "Well you see my mom passed away so they let me have a break so I could cope." "Hmm, okay just don't miss anymore shifts." He said bored. And walked off.

"Well that was weird....but izuku you want to hang out later and get ice cream." She said happily "I would love to but what about you shift it starts in a hour doesn't it." "It dose but still I haven't seen you in a week." She said trying to beg me. After a few moments I gave in....those puppy dog eyes could kill anyone.

So we snuck out of the class so we could go have fun... but I took my hero suit just in case something happens. We made it to the ice cream shop. I wasn't that bad looking, I turn to look at Uraraka just to see a waterfall of drool coming out of her mouth. So I walked up to her.

"Hey.... Uraraka you there." She blinked a few time and looked at me with a big smile. "Why you standing there let's go in." How funny she was the one standing there not me.

So we were about to walk in....and out of nowhere a bolder landed on top on in. Dust irrupted around me and Uraraka. "Cough cough, U-uraraka you there." Sadly there was no response. So I was about to say it louder, but something...well more like someone's hand.  I tried to remove it but to no avail.

"Kid stop moving or else I will shot you." So I did what the dude said. After awhile the dust finally cleared so I was able to see who was behind me. I looked and to my surprise it was none other then.....

Sorry for the cliffhanger but don't worry tomorrow I will post the next one okay..

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