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Bakugo's POV

After I got stabbed by my own sword, I turned around pissed off and pulled out the sword....this seemed to scare home because he's pants started getting a little darker, he was peeing his pants.

"Haha, you just pee yourself.....don't worry I won't hurt you, but only if you give me the cash." He Motion to his head that he would and he walked in front of me, because I ain't letting that happen again. We arrived at the closet and he open the door. I was amazed.

"How much is in here." I said surprised. "About 1 million." I looked at him down-folded. "What....This is what happens when you sell drugs." Dang that's crazy, maybe I should take the money for myself then I could runaway for the that would be stupid they would kill my mom.

I tied up man and grabbed all the money I could. I walked out of the room so I could find toga. I looked and looked but she was gone. I was a little confused until I heard cop sirens. "What the hell did she get caught and didn't tell me, some sweetheart she is." So I run away from the building and head back to base to see if she went there. I walked in and the place was abandon. "Hello? Anyone here." But sadly there was no answer.

Did they leave me? Of course they did who wouldn't, I walked up the stairs to my room and place the money on my bed and started packing my thing. The reason I did this was to make sure they don't come back and kill me. So after I'm all packed I go looking around town to see if there is any abandon houses or buildings that I could live in. Thankfully I find this cabin in the woods can close to UA. "This seems to be perfect, I bet no one has been here for ten years."

I set my stuff down and get undressed because I ain't sleeping in this costume. I hang it up so I can wear it another day. So I climb into the broken bed and slowly drifted off.

Deku's POV

It's been a long day we finished all the things Aizawa sensei made us do. In the in of everything, this kid name shoto beat me, but it wasn't by that much. I already ate dinner and I'm in my room doing stupid homework. "I thought it would be easier, but nooo homework on the first day of school bummer," I sighed "Hey kacchan, wherever you are I will find you and bring you back home and even try to convince the teacher to let you join even though it's a little late you could still join.....I really need to stop mumbling, but don't worry I will Bring you back and that's a promise." I was so Focus on talking to myself I almost forgot to do my homework.

I hit myself in the head and proceeded to do my English homework. It wasn't all that complicated but it still wasn't fun.
"Okay now that's all done, i think i'm gonna go take a shower since we did work out a lot today." So I looked through my closet to see if there is any thing that I can sleep in. Thankfully I found a shirt and basketball shorts. I grab them both and headed to the shower.

After the shower I got out dried my hair and body. Walked up to the sink and proceeded to brush my teeth.....and put on clothes to. I headed back to my bedroom and jump onto my bed. "Goodnight Kacchan hope you sleep well and hope you okay." And with that I slowly drifted off and to sleep.

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