Odd Number

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Deku's POV

'I got home and ran straight to my mom.' "MOM." 'I yell trying to get her attention but I think it did more than that.'

"AHHH...you scared the crap out of me don't do that or I'm going to die from a heart attack." We both started laughing.

"Sorry, but can you please sign this." I smiled as she grabbed the paper and sighed it.

"There now go take a shower dinner will be ready in 30 minutes." She said, handing the paper back to me.

'I walked up the stairs to get some clothes out of my room...ring...ring. My Mom phone was ringing.' "That's weird she never gets phone called this late." I grabbed my clothes and walked over to the stairs to see who was on the phone with her.

"No I haven't, why is he not home yet....he should be, Izuku got here ten minutes ago." 'I was a little confused, has someone not made it home? Hmmmm I should listen a bit more.' "He's probably hanging out with some friends Mitsuki, just call the Arcade....I'm sure he's there safe and sound." So she's talking to Kacchan's mom, I wondered what was going on. "Okay well hope everything turns out okay, stay safe...bye." And with that my mom hung up the phone.

Bakugo's POV

'I began to wake up. I opened my eyes just to see....I had no clue where I was. Well this is just great. I tried getting up, but to my surprise I was tied down, this made me a little concerned. Then out of nowhere a guy with a severed hand on his face walk through the door into my room.


"Oh you don't need to know, now with that, shall we began." He said while laughing.

"W-what do you mean." I said a little scared.

"Oh nothing much just a little experiment we're doing with you." The weird guy had a shot full of green stuff in it.

"I DON'T FUCKING THINK SO, GET AWAY FROM ME." I shouted while panicking.

A few weeks later

Deku's POV

Today's the field tip and I'm so happy but theres one thing that's bugging me....Kacchan's whereabouts. Like what really happened to him, is he okay. But I guess I can't worry to much...he can protect himself anyways.....hopefully.

We get on the bus and make are way to the hero museum. Of course no one wanted to sit by me, I didn't care more room for me.

The bus came to a sudden stop when we arrived, because of this I fell out of the seat onto the floor with a big boom. "OWW." I guess I was a little loud cause when I looked up everyone was staring at me.
After a few moments they began to laugh, while calling me a loser and other names. So I stood up...wiped myself off and proceeded to walk off the bus.

When I got off my inner fanboy started to come out. "OH MY GOSH, THIS PLACE IS SO COOL I WISH ONE DAY I CAN BE PUT HERE." Out of nowhere I felt something hit my head. I turned around to see an annoyed teacher. A drop of sweat fell down my face. "I'm sorry I got a little too excited."

"Listen up class, everybody line up near the entrance." So that's what we did, we lined up and waited for the teachers next order. "All of you pair up so none of you get lost or nothing bad happens to you." Everyone found a pair but me because we had a odd number without Kacchan.

"Hey teac—."

"Great everyone has a partner, have fun and don't get into trouble." And with that everyone split up, even the teacher ran away.

"Well I guess I'll go by myself then, it's not like I'm not used to it." I walked in after all my inconsiderate classmates.

When I got inside the first thing I saw was a statue of All Might in his glory days, and it was very accurate. So I walked up and took a selfie with it. "Oh, I just know today is going to be so much fun. Nothing can possibly ruin this at all."

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