❌Chapter 15: Im Done❌

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*1 week later*

*Ryder's POV*
I just landed in LA to surprise Jack. I orginised this with Johnson and he told me where they are staying, how long they are staying, you know all that stuff. He said he was gonna drop me off and then leave to go to Nash and Cameron's for something i can't remember. We arrive at the beautiful hotel, i take my bags out and take the spare room key that Johnson got earlier today. I press floor 7 once i get into the elevator and impatiently wait to see my amazing boyfriend. I finally hit the 7th floor and walk over to room 2. I slide the key in and walk into the huge room. I walk to the door on the left like Johnson instructed and silently open the door only to be greeted by Jack's freshly scratched up back "i should've known" i whisper as Jack's head snaps in my direction and Madison's head pop up over his shoulder. I walk out letting the tears fall from my face only to be turned around by a shirt and pantless Jack "Ryder, I-I didn't know you were coming" he stutters "maybe because i was here to surprise you" i mumble angrily "im sorry, i didn't know what was happening... I guess i missed you" he says "and this is your way of showing you miss me Jack? No. Im leaving" i say "no! Dont go please! Im nothing without you!" "No, im done... You should've thought about that before you fucked that slut in there. Im done... We're done" i say and turn around successfully making it out in time, i call Johnson:

Johnson: hey, how'd it go?
Ryder: just come pick me up, i wanna leave
Johnson: wha- why? What happened?
Ryder: just caught him fucking that Madison slut, im going home. Im sick and tired of being cheated on and lied to. Im done with it all *starts crying*
Johnson: *sighs* i sure do have a fucking stupid best friend don't I? Im sorry, i will come pick you up and take you to the airport. Im not gonna stop you because i know you would just want to go home
Ryder: thank you so much for understanding and just everything *sighs* see you soon, bye

I hang up and just sit on the bench thinking about what just happened. I've been lied and cheated on way to many times. Im done.

We arrive at the airport and all i did on the way here is cry and cry and cry. I'm honestly surprised Johnson dealed with it. I got multiple calls, texts and voicemails from Jack but i just turned my phone off. I head through security and before you know it im fast asleep flying back to good ol' Omaha.

*5 hours later*
I finally arrive back in Omaha after a longgggggg plane ride. I go to the baggage claim and walk out to a bench as i call a taxi. It comes within a few minutes so i put my stuff in and jump in the back.

After about 20 minutes of driving we finally pull up in front of my house. I pay the man, grab my stuff and make my way into the house. I told Andrea to stay at Taylor's until i texted her that i was home and i didn't want to text her just yet. I walked into my room, put my stuff into my closet and changed into black booty shorts, purple singlet and purple fuzzy socks that reached mid-calf. I never told you this but my dovet is a puffy white dovet with a pink playboy bunny head in the middle and its great to snuggle up to, my pillows are the same but my really fluffy pink blanket with the white bunny head in the middle of it is great for sitting on my window seat with. I race downstairs and grab a tub of ice cream before running back upstairs. I grab my beats, fluffy pink blanket and phone, sitting on my window seat i plug my earphones in and press shuffle. Its around 4:00 and its storming. I fucking hate storms and im alone. I plug my beats in and press shuffle. The first song that comes on is 'I Will Always Love You' by Whitney Houston greattttt. I start to go through old pictures of Liz and I, selfies, Andrea and I, other friends and I, beach photos, Mum and I and then us. I just couldn't keep myself together anymore. He broke me. I've been cheated on and/ or lied to in every single relationship I have been in. I was even in an abusive relationship once. My mum told me it wasn't worth it. If my mum was here right now she would be comforting me and telling me that everything is going to be okay. I shut my phone off and lean my head back as i cry and cry and cry. I end up eating all of the ice cream in the huge tub. What a fatty i know but thats just me, i eat for comfort because i have no one else. I cry a little more until i hear the doorbell ring "who could it possibly be?" I mumble to myself as i wrap the blanket around me and slowly make my way down the stairs. I reach the door and twist the knob. I'm shocked when i open it and honestly its the last person i expected to see "wha-what are you doing here?"

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