❌Chapter 44: Could This Be My Moment?❌

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*Ryder's POV*
"Cara, Gigi, Barbara and Miranda. Do you mind staying in here while Ryder and I go into the smaller conference room for a few minutes?" The head lady asks the girls, "not at all" they say and we get up. We start to walk out and i turn back to the girls, they all mouth a 'good luck' and give me a thumbs up also adding a reassuring smile.

This moment could either make me or break me.

We sit down and she smiles at me, "you seem quite nervous darl" she says and i nod, "well my name is Kate and i am one of the big bosses of Victoria Secret and i pick whether you are going to become an Angel or not" she explains and i nod, "I've gone through some of your photos and trust me you are a stunner and even prettier in person but..." She starts off and my face drops, "i think you'll be the perfect VS Angel" she tells me and i literally jump up out of my seat, "oh god are you serious?!" I ask, "well i don't say yes for the fun of it sweetie" she says while chuckling, "you also have your own assistant/ agent to help you with flights, photoshoots, etc" Kate explains and i nod, thanking her, "NICOLE!" She yells and a average sized lady walks through the door, she looks about 35 but very very pretty. I'm very surprised that she isn't one of the Angels. She has long blonde hair and very pretty blue eyes, there is not a wrinkle or flaw in sight and she is wearing a striped button up thats tucked into her black skirt that reaches just above her knees and not to high nor to small black heels, "hi hun, I'm Nicole" she says as she walks over to me, engulfing me in a warm hug, "Ryder" i say and wrap my arms around her, "well we can go back into the bigger conference room now" Kate says and we walk out the door. On the way Nicole explains that I have a photoshoot so i can "introduce myself to the camera" and sort of a warm up to everything photoshoot and that every Angel had to do one before going big. We enter the conference room and the smile on my face hasn't disappeared since i got told the news and the girls must have noticed because they all got up to hug me and congratulate me. We talked about all the photoshoots that are coming up and stuff like that before we finished. I checked the time and its about 12 and my photoshoot is at 3 so i get back to the room and tell everyone the news before walking into my room and literally collapsing on the bed not even having the chance to take my shoes off.

*3 hours later*
My alarm goes off at 2 telling me i have an hour to get ready for my photoshoot. I quickly jump in the shower, washing my hair and body, shaving also. I get out and chuck on a black pair of Victoria Secret shorts and a PINK tank top and slip on my black vans, my nerves are slowly starting to kick in and i start to sweat. I put my hair in a bun and start to fan my face with my hand also blowing cold air into the air that hits me perfectly in the face, "baby, are you okay?" Nate asks, "yeah just nervous" i say and he gets up and hugs me from behind, "you my girl, are going to do great" he says and i peck his lips, "what would i do without you?" I say and he shrugs while smirking.

Andy, Nate and I get into the limo and drive to a big building with VS on the front. We jump out and walk in, Nate on my left, Andy on my right and Nicole next to Andy, she grabs my hand and squeezes it reassuringly and Nate does the same not long after. We walk straight in as we follow Nicole to the elevators, she hits floor 7 and we start to go up. My nerves kicking in with every floor we pass.

We finally reach the 7th floor and the doors open. There is all these backdrops, different cameras and props like stools, fans, etc. There is a row of small rooms which I'm assuming is for hair and make up and stuff like that. Nicole takes me over to a guy who looks about my age and is currently working on a camera, "Ryder this is Trevor, Trevor this is Ryder" Nicole introduces us and i shake his hand, "hi" he says, shamelessly checking me out, "hey" i reply and Nate glares at him while sliding his arm around my waist, Andy on the other hand is giggling away at Nate's jealousy, "okay then.. Right this way" Nicole says and leads us to one of the dressing rooms.

I walk in while Andy and Nate sit on the comfortable chairs outside and Nicole instructs me to sit on the stool that is sitting in front of a vanity.

A lady comes in with a make up kit and a bag full of which im guessing is full of hair products. She sets the make up in front of me and the bag on the floor before she starts working on my make up. I have red lipstick, nude eyeshadow, foundation, concealer, mascara and winged eyeliner.

She curls my hair into perfect loose, bouncy curls, "done" she says and stands back smiling, obviously happy with her work, "Thank you" i say before standing up and walking out to Nate and Andy.

Nate's eyes widen and he just looks stunned. Andrea's jaw is dropped, "dayum babe" she says, smirking and i blush.

The man walks over and tells me to get ready and stand in front of the black backdrop and we get to work.

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