❌Chapter 31: Stay Away/ School❌

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*3rd Person's POV*
As the car ride is nothing but silence, Ryder is deep in thought. She knows that she can't stay away from him, its physically impossible for her. Nate is like a drug and she is addicted.

As for Nate? He loves Ryder but is too scared to admit it. They are both drugs for each other because they are both addicted and can't get enough.

The thought of love scares Nate shitless. Why? Because he doesn't know anything about it. He has been nothing but a fuckboy just like the rest of them until Ryder entered his life a few months ago. But Nate knows that Ryder is right. They have a ridiculous cycle that is not good for both of them.

*Ryder's POV*
After minutes of agonizing silence and being stuck in my thoughts Nate finally speaks up "we need to stay away from each other. I am only hurting you and i hate knowing that I'm the reason behind your tears. I- I'm sorry" he says and i break. This is going to be difficult and exhausting for me. How I'm going to deal i have no fucking idea. But its going to be one hell of a task.

*2 weeks later*
"Babe come on, you gotta get up" i hear Andrea say and i groan. She has been trying to convince me to go to school for the past two weeks but i can't come to face Nate. "I can't Andrea, i really can't" i sigh as i dig further into the covers. I'm about to go back to sleep when the covers a ripped from above me "Ryder Jade Gillies, get up and show Nate what he is missing out on, which i might say is a lot" she winks and slaps my ass "god your an amazing best friend!" i exclaim and finally get up. I get in the shower and shave plus do everything else i need before jumping out.

I walk out and see Andrea has made my bed, brang me breakfast and picked out my outfit: a black high waisted leather skirt and a maroon shirt that looks like it would reach just above my belly button, lets just say the dress code is the least of the school's worries and whether you have piercings. I put it on and look at myself. Its not an outfit I'd personally pick because im used to high waisted pants, leather pants, sweaters, etc but i actually like it. I straighten my hair, do my usual make up then put on my maroon vans which look great with the outfit if i say so myself. I finish my breakfast then take it downstairs to the kitchen where Andrea just happens to be "dayum, my girl is smokin'" she wolf whistles and i giggle "thank you for everything this morning, i really do love you as my best friend, my sister" i say and she blushes "i love you too babe and I'm glad we become best friends too" she admits and i shoot her a wide smile.

We arrive at school in my beautiful car with the roof down, our hair flying freely as we do and everyone stares as we step out of the car, sort of like in the movies. We grab our bags, phones and i grab my keys before we both step out of the car and start to walk, a jock comes up to me and stops me "can i have your number? Maybe we could hang out?" He says and winks at me "thanks but no thanks" i say before Andy and I start walking again. We walk in and i see Nate leaning against his locker with Eliza wrapped around his bicep, I nudge Andy and she looks at the sight, she looks like she is going to explode "I'm not even surprised, man whore" i whisper to her and she laughs, very loud. "Smoke?" I ask as we get to our lockers "yeah, lets go" she says and grabs her little bag with both our packets of cigarettes, deodorant and perfume. We walk out the back doors and head for the abandoned science building. We walk behind only to see Sammy and the Jacks, Andrea and Sammy hug and he holds her from behind as she leans into him while he leans against the old, rusty building. Gilinsky and i are on good terms again and he has been pretty flirty lately "hey babe" he whispers as he snakes his arm around my waist "hey Jack" i say and kiss his cheek. We light our cigarettes and start to smoke, talking and laughing until i hear the stupid bitches voice "babe, where are we going?" I hear Eliza say as they walk around the corner and see us. I see JJ tense up at the sight of Eliza and the fact that she is with my boyfriend... Wait, nevermind. I hug JJ and then let Jack wrap his arm around me again "here we go" i mumble as i inhale yet another cloud of smoke. I exhale and Jack inhales my smoke before pecking my lips... Um okay? I look over and see Nate's jaw clenched and fists balled up "you're a dead man" he says and tackles Jack to the ground and starts to repeatedly punch him "Nate stop!" I scream but he keeps going. JJ and Sammy eventually get Nate off "what the fuck was that?!" I yell/ ask "he kissed you, what did you expect me to do?!" He yells back "we aren't together remember? You cheated on me with that stupid slut over there and then tell me to stay away when we seen each other again!" I yell "i can't stay away from you Ryder! I fucking love you!" He yells and I'm shocked as fuck to say the least "i- i love you too Nate" i say softly, he comes over and grabs my face before smashing his lips into mine with so much need and passion. We break away and look at Andrea who currently has a look on her face saying 'i told you so' and i smile at her. Eliza looks pissed and is just glaring at me "oh so you are going back to this bitchy whore? Last time i checked she was in that Matt kids pants and Jack's pants aswell. She is not something you should be proud of Nate. She is ugly, slutty and just a plain old cunt who deseves to die" She casually says like its a fact.

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