❌Chapter 14: Catwoman❌

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*2 months later*
(Huge time skip i know)

*Ryder's POV*
Today is the day Jack and Jack go on tour and im happy for Jack but annoyed that i cant hug him, kiss him, hold his hand and cuddle with him whenever i want to, but Jack has been kinda distant lately. I call him, he doesn't answer until the last ring or at all. I call him and ask if he wants to spend the night and he says he's busy then hangs up. We spent last night together but he was gone before i even woke up. But im going to surpise him either next week or the week after because knowing me i will miss him. I decide to have a productive day and go to the gym with Andrea. I run downstairs and eat fruit with some yoghurt before running back upstairs and changing because whats the point in showering when you are just getting sweaty anyway? I put on a black Nike sports bra, fluro green Nike pants and my black Nike joggers "hey, are we jogging or driving to the gym babe?" Andrea asks walking into my room "jogging if thats okay with you?" i ask and she nods her head agreeing. I grab my iPhone, earphones and a water before standing in the driveway to wait for Andrea. We start to jog along the footpath while listening to music, occasionally glancing at each other before focusing back on the footpath.

We finally arrive after about a 10-20 minute jog and go straight for the dance room. Andrea and i run through our duo hip-hop dance routine to 'Song on 12 Play' by Chris Brown and Trey Songz. A few hair flips, a few body rolls, a few belly moves, a few low drops here and there. We run through it about 20 times which took us about an hour before starting our 3 hour work out:
- 30 minutes of stretching
- 30 minutes of lower body workout
-30 minutes of upper body workout
- 30 minutes of treadmill
- 30 minutes of weights
- 30 minutes of different type of squats.

Its about 6:00 when we actually get home and i walk upstairs to shower. I come out in a towel, about to walk into my wardrobe until Andrea comes rushing in "first costume party of the year! Wanna go?" She squeals "sure, why not!" I squeal back as we do a few happy jumps until Andrea says she has to get ready. I plug my phone into my speaker, playing 'Foreign' By Justin Bieber and Trey Songz. I go through my costumes draw, yes i have one. Dont judge! I finally find my smooth leather Catwoman suit with the gloves, mask and cat ears that i haven't even opened yet, score! I wipe myself and slip into the suit that hugs my curves just right, makes me look skinny also make my butt and boobs look bigger then they actually are. I straighten my hair to perfection then tie it into a high ponytail that reaches just above my butt since my hair is up to my butt. I put the mask and gloves on before applying mascara, eyeliner and red lipstick. I walk back into my wardrobe with my phone and stand in front of the mirror. I take a few photos, one smiling, one putting my hand out in a cat type of way (dont know what its called ) and post the cat hand one on Instagram:

RyderGilliess: Catwoman is out tonight. Watch out!

I chuck my phone onto my bed and then walk back to my wardrobe checking to see if everything is perfect. Satisfied with how i look, i slip on the tail then my knee high black high heel boots and walk back out to my bed to grab my phone. I turn on my phone on and see i have an instagram notification, i open the app and check my notifications to see Jack tagged me in a photo

@JackGilinsky: my sexy Catwoman *rouw*

I giggle and like the post before receiving a text from the only one and only Jack:

Baby❤: love the costume baby, makes me wanna just rip it off you and do naughty things to that body of yours! ❤

Ry babe❤: awh Jack baby, know how to make me blush! And you can do them naughty things to me when i see you next time

I lock my phone as i hear the footsteps of Andrea's heels racing up the stairs and into my room. My eyes widen and jaw drops as i look at Andrea, her reaction being the same "holy shit! Dayum!" We say in unison, laughing afterwards. Andrea was in a Wonderwoman outfit that made her look skinnier then she usually is and the exact same make up "photo time!" She yells and walks into my wardrobe. I take my phone so i can take photos of us two. We take several: kissing each others cheeks, smiling, scrunching our noses up, laughing, holding each others legs and hand signs. Then ones where we leaned both of our phones against one of the shelves that manages to get our faces to our waists in, we also take several photos: one where we are grabbing the ends of our hair and making it look like we were about to kiss which wasn't far off if you ask me, hugging, hand signs, smiling and stuff like that. We decided it was time to get to that party which we walked to since it was next to Jack's house who only lives the next street over. We are greeted by Sammy "hey, this isn't my party but the guy who threw it is upstairs right now" he says letting out a chuckle "oh, nice" i say laughing, he moves aside and lets us in. I see Nate across the room with his eyes wide and jaw dropped, i smirk and walk over to the drinks table, Andrea obviously gone to find Taylor. I down a few drinks and before you know it im drunk and dancing with Andrea and Taylor on the dance floor, eventually walking into a room with the bongs and joints. I sit next to a guy, to drunk to care who it is and take a hit of the freshly lighted joint.

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