Chapter 13: Gaea's Back

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She appeared before my eyes. "It can't be." My dream self said. "I-I killed you."

She laughed cruelly. "Did you really believe that you could defect me that easily?" Yes I wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut. That's probably the one (and only)thing I learned from school. Keeping my mouth shut.

When I didn't say anything she smiled even wider like she already won. "I tried to play nice but things are going to get a lot worse for you and your friends. I'd hate for someone close to you die all because you couldn't save them. You may have...delayed my attack plans, but it will happen I can promise that. See you soon." My dream started to fade after our cheery discussion.

I sat up straight in bed then winced because I was still sore. I looked at the window and it was still dark outside. It looked like 4 or 5 am but I didn't care I ran right out of my cabin trying my best not to wake Percy.

I made a beeline right to the docks and jumped thinking dry right before hitting the water remembering what Percy said. When I hit bubbles surrounded me as I stuck to the bottom.

I felt my feet hit and I slowing sunk to my knees and started to cry and cry until no more tears came out.

I thought it was all over. Why can't we just live peacefully for once? That's when I thought of Percy and all he has gone through. How does he not break down every night?

Then it hit me. He felt like he needed to be strong for the camp. If there leader and number one warrior showed weakness and broke down I could only imagine what everyone else would do.

He's the rock of this camp and if he could be strong then so could I. I swam up out of the water.

When I surfaced the sun was just rising over the horizon. I looked up toward the dock and there stood Jack.

"I was wondering when you were going to come up." He smirked at me then reached down offering a hand to help me up. I took it and we sat there on the edge of the dock talking until the horn went off signaling breakfast.

I gave him a look and we stood up and hand in hand walked toward the sweet smelled of breakfast foods.

I heard a snap of a twig right behind me. I whirled around to see five of the snake ladies standing right behind us.

I gasped and she tried to skewer me but I quickly dogged it and instead got a gash on my side. We were both weapon less and I was injured.

She pulled back again and I thought I was done for. Before the sword went right through me Jack stepped infringe of me screaming, "Sam! No!"

The sword went through his stomach and I screamed. The lake exploded I didn't know what happened to the snake ladies after that but I didn't care.

I quickly dove down next to Jack no even caring about the pain I was in. I put is head in my lap and cried and screamed for help.

Foot steps came racing toward me but I didn't look to see who it was. There was collective amounts of gasps as they saw the son of Gaea.

Jack's eyes seemed unfocused but he managed to whisper. "Sam don't blame yourself for my death." He stopped to catch his breathe. "I feel in love with you when I first met you. I love you blonde." He smiled faintly.

I started to cry harder but I still managed to say. "I love you too." Before the light in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes went out.

I touched my forehead to his and closed his eyelids. I felt someone pull me off of him and I immediately knew it was Percy. I turned and cried into his chest.

The earth shook and Jacks body turned to sand and dirt and sunk into the earth.

My best friend died that day and I will never forget it.

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