Chapter 6: It All Ends Here pt 3

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Ironically that's exactly what Thong said too so I decided to use the same trick on mother Gaea.

"Oh nothing just laying out our new peanut butter recipe around the warehouse you wanna taste?"

'To you seriously take me as a fool!?'

"Yes!" Percy responded laying on the sarcasm thick.

'Gah! Children of Poseidon are stupid. No wander that daughter of Athena calls you a seaweed brain and how my own son calls you blonde.'

"Hey!" We said simultaneously.

'I knew you two were going to betray me one way or another so there is a change of plans. I'm going to execute you two in front of your loved ones, but before I do I'm going to tell them how you betrayed them.'

This made both of us furious. Ready for another lesson?

What do you have in mind?

Making an earthquake. The last time I did it everyone thought I was dead. Imagine there faces when I literally crash my own funeral.

I telepathically laughed. Okay I'll try.


I concentrated on the earth and remembered what I learned in Science class (when I actually payed attention) that earthquakes are started by the plates in the ground sliding over each other. That's exactly what I pictured.

I might've also prayed to Poseidon a little bit....

The earth around us started to shake. I felt a force trying to stop it. I knew it was Gaea and I wasn't going to let her win not this time.

That's when the ceiling started to crumble and started to fall straight towards us. Percy quickly threw the jar of Greek Fire to a monster who caught it out of instinct.

I saw a water shield float above me, and I blew turning it to ice.

The ceiling was falling all around us and right before I lost consciousness from exhaustion the building exploded with the color of Greek Fire.

The last thing I heard was Gaea screaming and my world turns black.

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