Part 29

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Indu's Nana house they are warmly welcome. After spending sometime they come back to see Kashyap are sitting in living room with others.

Aahan ask him mother "Mom they don't have any other work that they come to Nana's house."

All hear his question but before anyone said anything Ashi chuckle. Ashi "Aahan some people are too lazy to survive on their own that is the reason they are depended on others for their survival."

Aahan "you mean Mom they are too lazy to cook so they come to Nana's house daily to eat free."

Ashi nodded her head but Kashyap are embarrassed and others are shocked including Kashyap.

Meera is going to say something but cut by Aahan "hey you old lady if you think you can say single word against my Mom then check your facts clearly that whoever badmouth my Mom they will face me which is not good for them."

Ashi pinched his cheeks and said "my baby is grownup."

Aahan "Mom no baby please it make me feel like I still wear diaper. That's shit man."

Ashi "Aahan no swearing don't think we are in India then rules are not applying here."

Aahan put hand in his pocket and get ₹ 100 note to give it to Ashi.

Aahan "sorry."

Ashi "go and put it into jar."

Aahan "ok"

With that he went to his Mom's room to put money into that jar.

Rayaan, Ishaan, Dhruv, Arjun and Gaurav follow him whereas others are confused.

Indu "Di what is this."

Ashi "Indu it is our way to give good upbringing to Aahan. We never punished him or beat him."

Ranveer "then."

Ashi "Dad every week he get certain amount as his pocket money. Whenever he did mistake he need to put certain amount in a jar which is for this purpose only like if he used bad words in his talking he need to put one euro, if he lie or hurt someone with words then 2 euro, if he wake up late he need to put one cent for each 5 minutes, etc."

Sonali "what happened with this."

Ashi "at the end of week and at the time of receiving his next week pocket money we ask him to count the money he put in jar in this week that make him realise his mistakes done in the week. In the following week he try to not repeat his mistakes. You know it is working. He use the money put in jar for charity purpose."

Ranveer "that is good but."

Ashi "I know what you want to say but Dad beating or punishment make children stubborn that is what Arya and I think."

They saw boys are coming back.

Aahan kiss his mother's cheek and said "sorry Mom I will not repeat it."

Ashi "it's ok baby. Tomorrow we will go for shopping to buy your school uniform and other things so rather than tomorrow you will join day after tomorrow."

Aahan "Mom can't we buy my school uniform today."

Before Ashi said anything Ved said "don't worry champ I buy your uniform and other things."

Rahul "Ved I."

Ved said "sorry bhaiya. Aahan I mean bhaiya and I buy things on our way from office to home. Come and try your school uniform. Check other things also and if you need anything else than we will buy tomorrow."

Aahan "Mom"

Ashi nodded her head then Aahan went with Ved and boys.

Ridhi "from the time Aahan come they are following him like lost puppies."

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