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Applying the last of her makeup Cairo was knocked out of her trance as Ja entered the bathroom. Making it impractical for her to continue to ignore him, since the club incident she fed him the silent treatment. Attempting to walk out of the bathroom Ja instantly blocked her from walking out. 

"Are you gonna actually talk about the issue or run away from it." Ja spoke piercing his eyes into Cairo's unreadable expression
"We wouldn't be in this situation if you told the truth instead of lying about simple shit." Cairo spoke with anger laced within her tone.
"I don't get why you're so upset, you know it was bound for us to go out this weekend. I honestly don't see what the issue is."

"Are you kidding me Jamell? You lied to my face, that's the issue."
"But we aren't together " Ja spoke kissing her lips
"You don't think I know that already, it's bad enough when people keep throwing it in my face. The ball is in your court but you're making it hard for me to let my guard down." Cairo spoke walking back into the bedroom area

Entering the bedroom Cairo began piecing her outfit together ensuring that everything looked good.

"How do you expect us to work if you continue holding on to old shit Ro. I've constantly apologized about my infidelity in the past, but I don't regret my daughter." Ja spoke

"Damn I don't expect you to regret Kaari, she's truly a blessing. But that was supposed to be us but I was robbed from that" Cairo replied

"What do you mean by that?" Ja asked

"I was pregnant Temetrius, that night you told me about KK was the same night I was going to surprise you. The next week I suffered a miscarriage, so that's why I'm so gaurded. I often think about how our child would've made it and how things would play out." Cairo spoke

As the room filled up with silence, Ja let the words echo in his head. He turned his back on her during a low moment in her life.

"What was it?" Ja whispered

"It was a boy. The only person who knew was Akari since she was helping me plan the surprise"

Embracing her into his arms as she broke down, Ja spoke up "Cairo I'm truly sorry that you had to endure that alone. This is literally eating me alive, I want this to work between us, I want you and only you. I know this isn't the ideal place I thought about asking this question. But Cairo, will you be mine again?"

"We aren't perfect but there's no one else that gets me like you do. Promise to never let me go Jamel."

"I promise." Ja responded before connecting his lips with Cario's

" Ja responded before connecting his lips with Cario's

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Liked by Sharife.cooper, jaygup, and others

KiaMo: #12 that's Ja 🖤 #allstar22
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Cairo.Rose: my Kia Bia 🥺❤️

Cbg.jada24: amazing 💕

Jamorant: ganger❤️‍🔥

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