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Getting into the two jeeps, the guys were headed to the gym for a quick session. Despite it being the summer and summer league the guys knew that the season was starting up and they had a lot to prove.

"Man, Kia told me about Paige thinking that you got another girl you fooling around with" Ja spoke
"Man hell now it's not even like that at all." Tyrese replied going through his gym back to retrieve his phone

"So what is it then bro. Y'all just had a baby together and you can screw up like this. I mean hell look at me."

Scrolling through is messages, reaching the text messages he was looking for. Showing the screen to ja to show that he was most definitely not cheating on Paige.

"Yeah so that's what I've been doing. She thinks there's someone else because I'm always occupied on my phone because of this."

"Damn bro you doing it big.. but I'm proud of you and I know she will love it fasho. "

"Yeah enough about me..when the hell are you gonna get your girl back."

"Man I'm trying..but me and her need to have a serious conversation. like the convo in miami was cool but now we both gotta lay it all on the table if we want this to work."

"Go ahead and do that on this trip so y'all can move forward."

As the guys split into teams and began their pickup game, things were getting intense since the score between both teams was separated by one point. Meaning that whoever was successful with the next shot would win this game. The guys were too fixated into their game they didn't realize that two unwelcome guest walked into the gym.

"Aye how y'all gonna do Vegas without the real party boys?" Dejounte asked

"The hell they doing here and how did they know we was here." Jaren whispered to the group

"Lipgloss boy speak up if you gonna speak on somebody." Jalen spoke up

"I see y'all done switched up on ya boys with two dudes who won't be here for long." Dejounte shrugged

"So bruh what's up with you and Ebony?" Ja asked Stefon. Knowing that this was gonna get under Dejounte's skin

"We haven't made things official just yet, I know she's a real special one. So we are taking it slow but I do see a long term future with her. I have so much love for her." Stefon confessed

"Look you better put that on lock, because I can see Dejounte grimey ass trying to come back in." Tyrese spoke.

"I mean he really doesn't have a chance Ebony will be crawling back to me eventually. She know where home is." Dejounte replied

"Why don't you worry about your relationship now, me and Ebony are doing just fine without you. Worry about being a father to your daughter." Stefon shot back

Charging towards him, Dejounte began to throw punches and eventually the two guys were both getting good hits in. Separating them Jaren and Jordan was holding back Stefon, while Jalen had Dejounte.

"NEXT TIME I SEE YOU IT'S ON SIGHT!" Dejounte screamed trying to get out of his grip

"AND I WILL BE WAITING PRETTY BOY!" Stefon spoke while laughing

Back at the vacation home the ladies came together to prepare dinner, with the tension very thick between Zara and Akari. While cutting the onions, Paige got a text message from Tyrese reading it her eyes got big.

"Girls meet me in the dining room ASAP." Paige screamed

Walking into the dining room the ladies looked at Paige to see what the problem was, "So what's wrong?" Kia asked

"I just received a text from Tyrese saying that Stefon and Dejounte got into a fight and that Jalen showed up with Dejounte as well." Paige replied

"Are you serious??! First off why are those two trying to ruin our vacation. And secondly why did the guys let them get into a fight." Ebony screamed

"Yes and listen to this, apparently Dejounte told Stefon that you would be crawling back to him since you know where home is.  Paige spoke

"Oh wow, that's low." Cairo spoke

"So did Jalen say anything?"  Akari asked

"Girl you have Jordan that's here for you and you're worried about your ex-fling??! Kari please don't tell me you're still in love with that boy." Kia spoke

"I mean I-"

The ladies were interrupted by the guys walking in the dining room looking up Ebony shook her head at Stefon.

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