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Jamorant added to their story

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In the lab #WTTD2🥷🏾

Jaren added to their story

Locked in❤️—-akarilee replied to your story: who let ya ugly self snatch them up??🌝—jaren: I wasn't ugly when I was in yo gu-🤭

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Locked in❤️
—-akarilee replied to your story: who let ya ugly self snatch them up??🌝
jaren: I wasn't ugly when I was in yo gu-🤭

Locked in❤️—-akarilee replied to your story: who let ya ugly self snatch them up??🌝—jaren: I wasn't ugly when I was in yo gu-🤭

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Liked by jaytatum0, Indialove, and 78.5k others
Cairo.Rose: NDA 💙
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Jaytatum0: so you at hot girl now? 🤔

Wagsunfiltered: our favorite unproblematic queen

Purple.reign: my baby momma🤭🤍
——cairo.rose: my favorite 🫶🏾

Ebony.Morant: eat the hoes tf up!!

Ana_montana: the coldest 💙

Walking through the airport Cairo was accompanied by Akari and Reign whom were on their way to Boston. Cairo decided to surprise Jayson since she hasn't seen him since the wedding and he was dodging her calls. After finding their bags they walked to the rental car and headed towards Jayson's home.

"So Ro how do you think Jayson will react to seeing you?" Reign asked

"He better be happy to see me or we will have a problem." Cairo joked

"Has he tired to contact you today or at all since the wedding?" Akari asked
"Surprisingly he hasn't and that's very weird but it makes my surprise so much easier I guess..." Cairo replied

After 30 minutes of driving Cairo pulled up to his home, a rush of nervousness took over Cairo's body as she exited out the car that she rented for the weekend while her friends stayed back in the car.

Knocking on the door a few times, she waited as she heard footsteps grow louder towards the door. Swinging the door open Cairo looked up and was surprised at who opened the door. The British singer looked at the girl in front of here confusingly.

"I'm sorry can I help you?" The stranger spoke

"Umm yes you can, is Jayson here?" Cairo asked

"What is it that you nee-" The girl spoke but was cut off by a familiar voice

"Babe who's at the door.." The voice spoke walking to where the singer was

Looking up at the door tears began to fall from Cairo's face. She couldn't believe he would do this to her even after she told him about her last relationship.

"Babe?? What the fuck is going on here Jayson?" Cairo asked while Reign and Akari rushed to the door trying to calm her down

"He's spending time with his girlfriend! Why are you concerned anyway?" Ella responded

"Ella chill out!" Jayson spoke up

"First off I was coming to surprise someone I thought was ready for that next step with me but he's laid up with the same person he told me not to worry about.." Cairo shot back

"If you were doing your job he wouldn't be crawling back to me you pathetic bitch. Everyone in the industry knows that me and Jayson have been dating for some time. So I don't know why you didn't get the memo but let me make it loud and clear. Im not going anywhere so I suggest you pack it up because your little entanglement is over." Ella shot back

Before they could respond quickly, Cairo blacked out and connected a punch right to the girls face and began to throw multiple punches before Jayson broke it up.

"GIRL YOU SOMEBODY HE HIT UP WHEN HE'S BORED. This shit won't last!" Cairo shouted

"I'm back around and he will go back to forgetting you again." Ella shot back before walking back into his home

Turning her head Cairo looked at Jayson in complete disgust, and wanted to fly right back to Memphis without saying another word to him.

"Ro look I'm sorry and didn't mean for this to happen but-" Jayson tried to speak

"Save your sorry ass excuse, I was trying to be a good person and surprise you but I find out that you've been playing the both of us. After all this shit I told you I went through you go and do it. You let me into your home, meet not only your family but you SON too. Just for you to pull this shit" Cairo cried

As silence feel upon them Cairo walked away with Reign following her to the car, getting into the car she completely broke down. She was hurt by the person who was supposed to possibly show her what true love was.

"You really fucked up this time Jayson and to think that I urged her to give you a chance. I hope what's in your home is worth loosing a really good person" Akari spoke to the athlete before walking away.

Cairo 🥀 | @caironorose
With the girls out on the road that you was texting. 💔 New Single dropping
10k likes|4k retweets|16k replies
replying to @caironorose
AKLEE🤍| @akarilee
I can't wait for y'all to hear! 🔥🔥
5k likes|7k retweets|20k replies
Replying to @caironorose
Jairo fan page| @jaxcairo
Omg?? So are you doing music full time now? 🥹
10k likes|7k retweets|14k replies
Replying to @jaxcairo
Cairo 🥀 | @caironorose
Yes and my Ep is almost complete. I will say a lot of things inspired the music.

A/N: Poor Ro our good sis can't catch a break. Let a group trip commence 😈

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