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Echoes of her ring doorbell ring throughout her condo awakening her from the slumber she was enjoying. Groaning and growing irritated of the continuous noise, Cairo unlocked her personal cellphone to see that is was her best friend and sister at the door with gifts. Since she opted out of the Valentine's Day festivities clearly not voluntarily Cairo slept the night away, especially since for starters she couldn't drink a bottle of wine due to obvious reasons. And two her social media nightly scroll left a bad taste in her mouth. After seeing Ja's post from the caption to the comment section specifically him calling her out.

"Oh my gosh if these whores don't stop ringing my doorbell." Cairo huffed as she walked through her home quickly trying up her skims robe.
Swinging the door open she was met with thing 1 and 2, a Chanel Bag and Venus et Fleur box.

"I told y'all I didn't want nothing." Cairo spoke blocking the entrance.

"Now girl you know we ain't listening to you now let us in because we got a lot to discuss specifically you." Akari spoke

The ladies entered into the living room settling on the grey cloud coach that occupied the room. Taking the blush suede large heart box from Paige she removed the top and was met with an arrangement of white roses. Moving to the Chanel box, Cairo took a boomerang before proceeding to open the box. Removing the dust bad her eyes widened at the sight of the white Boy Chanel Messenger Bag.

"Omg y'all this ain't even out yet!! How did y'all get this?'" Cairo squealed hugging the bag

"To be honest we got the flowers. You're secret admirer told us to deliver this to you ." Paige admitted Darting her eyes at Paige, Akari secretly shook her head indicating for her to keep it shut. As Cairo looked at the two she grew confused as to who in the hell got her this bag. Digging into the box she pulled out the card that had a sweet message and the signature at the end "J."

"So anyone care to tell me who this is from?" Cairo asked

"Umm it's from one of you baby daddy's." Paige replied attempting to light the mood.

"Clearly it ain't Ja since he decided to put us on hold until the DNA Results come back. So I'll assume this is from Jayson, who for one doesn't know about my pregnancy. But for Ja to say some shot like that is crazy to me, like does he expect me to welcome him back with open arms and love if the results come back he's the father? Because that's what I won't do he shouldn't pick and choose when he wants to be here for me. This is something we are supposed to be experiencing together. But he wants to run away and not be a man about it" Cairo spoke up

"Oh so that's what Ja big headed ass meant when he told me to check my friend, Ro what I'm about to say you may not like but imma say it anyway. For starters you need to tell Jayson as well, it would be fair that he knows that he could potential be the father. Waiting until it's too late would be bad not only for your co-parenting relationship but business wise as well. Go get the blood work done so you know asap you don't want to linger that on. Ro, Ja had every right to take a step back. Did you try to put yourself in his position, you two were just getting on the right track and you drop that news on him. I'm sure he felt the joy quickly snatched from him. You also have to think how you two would move forward if he isn't the father." Akari spoke

"She's right Ro, you have to stop running from things and face the fire. Tell Jayson in person so that means you need to go to Boston and rip that bandaid off. Once the results come back you need to do what needs to be done and move accordingly on the best interest of your child. You can no longer be in your selfish ways, you have a unborn child that needs you. I know you're hurting and scared but we are here for you."

Silence filling the air Cairo reflected on the words and statements made from her best friend and sister. She no longer wanted to run she wanted to face her fears.

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