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Walking into her office suite, Cairo made sure she had everything prepared for her virtual meeting with Brandy and Jayson for potential marketing representation. Double checking her Cartier watch gifted by her boyfriend Ja to celebrate her Ep release she saw that she had two minutes before logging into the zoom call. Pulling up the zoom software starting the meeting she was then greeted by Jayson and his mother.

"Cairo! How are you?" Brandy asked

"I'm doing well. I hope all is well with you" cairo replied back avoiding the second pair of eyes that's been staring at her since the meeting started.

"Cairo." Jayson spoke

"Mr. Tatum. Let's get started shall we. Cairo replied as the smirk grew across her face. Pulling up the marketing deck Cairo began to explain various opportunities she saw available for Jayson. From his exclusive partnership with Lays to various small businesses within the St. Louis and Boston area

"I see a lot of leverage and opportunities for Jayson. He's becoming a key player in the league which could help continue to build his off the court brand." Cairo spoke

"I do agree and we are both excited to see these plans unfold. However Jayson does have one concern, since you guys have a history-"

"I can assure you that this is strictly professional. I have moved on and now view Jayson as my client. He can come to me regarding advice but if there are any sexual advances I will terminate our agreement." Cairo spoke up

As the meeting continued, Cairo didn't see nor hear Ja enter her office. Watching from the other side of the desk, Cairo saw his girlfriend laughing and deep into her meeting with a potential client. Now she did tell Ja about the meeting however she left out the key detail that it was with her ex-fling. Furious at actions taking place in front of his eyes, Ja walked over to the other side of the desk. Wrapping up the call and scheduling their in person meeting, Cairo was meet with the presence of her furious boyfriend.

"So we keeping secrets now?" Ja questioned

"I told you that I had a meeting so what are you talking about?." Cairo shrugged

"You told me about the meeting but you forgot to say who it was with. Oh yeah babe by the way I will be meeting with Jayson, the guy I used to get back at you."

"Are you serious Jamel, you know how much this agency means to me. He reached out and I couldn't pass on the opportunity!" Cairo shouted

"That's bullshit Ro and you know it. What happened to I don't mix business with pleasure. You know that if it was the other way around you would be pissed too!" Ja shot back

"You know what I don't have time for your insecure ass, since you don't trust me. Once you figure it out then I might have a conversation with you. Until then I'll be at my place." Cairo replied before gathering her belongings and walking out of the office.

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The Wags
Ebony as soul sister🤍
Akari as Evil Twin❤️‍🔥
Cairo as Rose 🌹
Paige as Mrs. Maxey 💍
Kia as KiaBia💙

Cairo 🌹
Ummm... Kari this shit backfired on me😕

What happened???

Soul sister 🤍
What she talking about?!

Mrs.Maxey 💍

Evil Twin ❤️‍🔥
Ohh lord

Cairo 🌹
I took Kari's advice and met with Jayson along with his mom for possible marketing representation. Ja popped in my office and blew up in my face.

Saying if it was the other way around. I would be pissed

He was right hit I couldn't admit it to him..so I blew him off.

Evil Twin ❤️‍🔥
It's giving your hormones are swinging baby girl... have you did what me and Ebony told you to do?

Mrs. Maxey 💍
Wait y'all changing topics too fast for me. When did this conversation with Jayson happen??

When they met up with KK a few weeks ago..come in paige please keep up 💀

Soul sister ❤️‍🔥
No she hasn't done that Akari... I'll be taking her to her appointment in the morning since she can't go on her own 🙂

Wait huh???! I been busy with my man and I come back to this

Evil twin❤️‍🔥
Zena I mean Zara we could've done without the details between you and Jaren.

Cairo 🌹
Omg Kari please not today🤦🏾‍♀️ but there is a slight possibility that I may be pregnant. .. no I haven't told Ja so I need everyone to keep their mouth shut. Let me get through this album release and I'll figure it out. So I need someone to have the fake shots on deck for me we don't need any speculation.

KiaBia 💙
Omg I'm gonna be a auntie!!!!🥹🥹

My baby is gonna have a play date yayyy!!

Cairo 🌹

Evil twin ❤️‍🔥
She is...🤭

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Wagsunfiltered: ohhh honey what do we have here 🫠

Latto777: 💙

Jaren: DARNELL THAT'S YOU??!! @jamorant 👀👀

Jamorant: aye you childish ass hell posting these old ass pictures. Tryna start some shit

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