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Wagsunfiltered: Well well well. Ladies secure your edges because this tea is overflowing, as you know Houston Rockets star #JalenGreen is currently dating #Akarilee. Welp looks like him and Ms #breahhicks have been getting very comfortable. This photo was sent from a very credible and close source to Breah. Are y'all feeling the little situationship/fling??👀

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Anon77: and from the looks of his IG story him and Akari are in Aspen with Cairo for her birthday 🫠

Ebony.Morant: homewrecking heauxs<<<< yuck

User777: I heard Akari been sleeping around too he ain't the only one with the dirt.
——Wagsunfiltered: Oh I know who it was too mmhm😌

Breahhicks: This old to us and new to y'all ❤️

Cairo.Rose: she must've sent this in looking for some clout🥱
kkdixon: I would hush if I was you 😉

Janiameshell: we love to see it..let me go get mind back!

Akarilee: cute I'll be in LA real soon Pooh. Hope your hands are ready 🙂😉

" WTF!"They both screaming in unison
Storming back into the home Akari saw red and she wanted answers from Jalen. Locating him in the game with laughing and joking with the guys she immediately burst into the room quickly changing the atmosphere.

"Do you mind telling me what the hell is going on before it get ugly real quick?" Shoving the phone in Jalen's face showcasing the post from Wagsunfiltered.

Looking at the commotion around them the rest of the group took it in try to decipher if the should stop the conversation before it got ugly.

"I'm not about to have this conversation with you in front of everyone else." Jalen spoke returning back to the game in front of him

"Why not it seem like you was real comfortable with embarrassing me in public so explain what the hell is going on Jalen!" Akari spoke shutting of the game.

Looking up at Akari, Jalen began to smirk knowing that his next question would completely throw her off.

"Before we discuss anything else, you want to tell me what's going on with you and Jaren." Jalen spoke

Too stunned to speak Akari began to look around avoiding contact with Jalen and Jaren.

"You came in here trying to check me about Breah and you got your dirty as well. At least I didn't have you and her in each other face. Now you sitting here stuck, cat got your tongue now ." Jalen spoke up

"Look Jalen it was a honest mistake that went too far. We were both drunk and in a vulnerable state but that doesn't make up for what I did." Akari spoke

"So when the hell were you going to tell me about you and him or was you going to continue to make me look stupid?"

"I didn't want this drama during Cairo's trip so I was going to wait until we got back home. But we are not going to sit here and put all the blame on me. You did your dirty too, screwing the same girl you told me not to worry about."

"You know what I'm out. Cairo sis I hope you enjoy your birthday trip, but I won't sit here and be fake. As for you Jaren be lucky I didn't come over there and punch the shit out of you. Akari we're done, don't worry about coming to get your stuff from Houston. I'll have my cleaners mail it to your house." Jalen spoke before walking into him and Amati's room packing his things.

After she heard the door close, Akari sobbed. She couldn't understand what went wrong but she saw this as an opportunity to better herself.

Jalen just posted a story

Since y'all looking for a story

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Since y'all looking for a story. Here y'all go!🖕🏾

Vote & Comment. Q&A chapter up next. Birthday trip ain't even pop off good enough. 🥲

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