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A foster homed teen living a dream. Yes thats my life, thats the life of Drea Mahogany. My mother died when I was 5 years old. Her tragic death was on the news for months. Meanwhile my mothers death was being published everywhere. I was taken to Hope's foster home. Today was the day I turned 15. I couldn't believe I had lived 10 years in that horrible foster home. For me it wasnt a home it was a prison. I had lived child abuse along with younger kids for years. For all those years nobody has been able to adopt me. I highly doubt any family would want to adopt a 15 year old teenager. That afternoon I was going to be taught another of my room guard Matelda's lesson. That lesson would be hitting me with a ruler for 10 min. That was a lesson everybody had 1 day every week at a certain hour. All the years I have been in the foster home I've only had one family member keep up with me. She would be my aunt Katrina. She is the only one I could trust she was the only one in my family that has experienced a foster home as cruel as mine. I was counting on my aunt to get me out of the foster home. Meanwhile I couldn't leave the foster home, with the help of the sweetest little girl I would always sneek out. I would always go to the TLC which was "The Laundry Center". I would take some clothes and with the help of the cash register guy I wouldn't have to pay for washing the few pile of clothes I had. Also I would always watch WWE Programming My favorite show on there Tv. That day was the best one of my life. That day I heard the company was coming into town. I was so excited I sure wouldn't miss it my favorite WWE Superstar was going to be in town . I waited anxious for the day to come and when it did I acted my best I sneeked out. I went to some stores where I'd knew they'd let me help out and earn 25¢ atleast. From 12-2:00 of working at walmart I made 52$. I wanted to make little bit more just in case so I went to a car wash and offer to was cars for 50¢. In an hour I made 25$. So I had in all 77 Dollars and the show was in 30min. I Went to TLC to pick up some clothes I had left the day before and got dressed and left. I was late and there were no more tickets availiable. The words sold out broke my heart. I wasnt going to leave so I stayed in the buliding where you would buy a ticket. Along with other fangirls. There was a tv outside the show was on live so like always I got to watch the show from a Tv. I was starting my period so I decided to go to the restroom. Although I knew was never going to be able to find the restroom in this arena I took a chance. I never regreted taking a chance on that night because in an instant I had sneaked backstage without relizing. When finally I did relize I was in severe pain. Pain.. yes I had cramps. I looked at all the rooms with plaques on them that said the name of WWE Employes. I finally came around a Divas room. I walked in hoping no one was in there I knew people would probably look at me as a creeper in pain probably faking. Meanwhile I would be actually dieing. To my horrible luck there was Divas in there. I felt the weirdest when I interrupted all my favorite diva's conversation. I was excited with a bit of pain. All my favorite divas were in that room, sure they were all scared and shocked that a stranger had walked in. I stayed paralized as my favorite WWE Divas: The Bella twins, Naomi, Paige, Eva Marie, & Aj Lee gave me a blank stare. Paige in a badass bitchy mood asked "Who are you and why are you here?" I answered with a nervous straight face "I..I am one the fans who didnt get to by a ticket for the show and tried to look for a restroom in this big arena I've never been in because I'm in my days and relized I had stepped in back backstage without knowing. I was hoping they would believe me and luckily They did believe me. Brie B. gave my nervous face a soft kind smile. The room was quiet for a minute. As I see Naomi stand up and walk directly to me and said "come with me I'll show you where the bathroom is. I followed Naomi. Once there I did my thing and went out as I see Naomi outside the door waiting for me. I had to admit, that had made me feel special. Naomi took me back to the Divas room. I walked in and they signaled me to sit down with them. That was the best moment of my life. I sat down and before I could look up Paige had a q. for me. In my head I would say I wonder what she possibly wants to ask me? Paige looks at me direct and asks " Whats your name and how come you didnt buy a ticket for the show? I answered my name is Drea, and I didnt buy a ticket because when I arrived a sign was hanged up that read "sold out". Next on the line of asking q. to the strange girl who got lost was Brie, she asked " Did you come here alone? I sadly answered " I have no one in this life that'll take care of me I live in a horrible foster home downtown. Brie asked curiously " how come its horrible? I again, answered sadly "for 10 years of my life I have been a victim of child abuse. The room turned dead silent and everyone but me had a suprised shocking face on them. Eva Marie someone I wasnt expecting to talk asked me a really important q. "What is the name of that foster home your at and how come your here and not at the foster home. I confidently answered "The foster home is Hopes Foster home and I sneeked out just to come see the show. Eva was about to talk when a loud knock came from the door. I turned around as Naomi opened and I saw the face of my favorite wwe superstar of all time John Cena. Without relizing I let out a huge scream of excitement. John seemed to be fascinated by what Nikki B. was telling him about me. He gave me a hug as if he knew I really wanted it. The girls gave me a card where it had each of there phone numbers and the hotel they were staying at just incase I needed something. The Next Day.....

My 15TH B-DAY : ADOPTED BY WWEWhere stories live. Discover now