Chapter 5 Preparations and Reflections

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Jorge woke up at around 10 in the morning to prepare herself for the grand rally of Vice President Leni Robredo.

When she woke up, she took the little picture from the little wooden box and she wrote a short message on her stationery.

"Dear VP Leni,

Marahil ay nagtataka po kayo kung bakit ako may sulat na ganito sa inyo ni hindi po ninyo ako kilala.

Nais ko lamang pong sabihin sa inyo na may alam po ako tungkol sa anak ninyong si Jorgina Amalia na akala ninyo ay namatay na almost 20 years ago. Mayroon po akong pruweba at iyon at kasama sa liham na ito.

Kung nais po ninyong malaman ang totoo, maaari po ninyo akong tawagan. Iiwan ko po ang aking numero dito.

- Jorgina Amalia Marbella"

She then placed it in a stationery envelope together with the only picture that she had with VP Leni and Sec. Jess and sealed it.

She wrote the name of the vice president in the envelope to ensure that it reaches her hands.

She also prepared her go-to things, water, biscuits and candies to make sure that she will not faint because of hunger.

There's no need for her to make placards or bring posters and tarpaulins since she is a volunteer. She will be very busy with the preparations and all so it is better to bring herself and some go-to things.

She took a bath and donned a pink shirt, light blue jeans and snickers. She is not used to wear jeans as it makes her uncomfortable and the fact that it's itchy because it sticks to the skin, she doesn't like it. She's still sleepy because her shift ends at 3 in the morning. Yes! Our Jorge right here is a working student. An AB Social Science student in a state university in the morning and a call center agent at night. She does not pay any tuition fee since her university is one of those schools with free tuitions. It was not easy to enter the university that she is in right now so she is doing everything to maintain good grades.

"Jorge, kain ka na." her papa invited her to lunch when she went downstairs

"Wala kang trabaho, pa?" she asked

"Nag-half day lang ako. Papasok ako mamayang hapon. Gusto lang kita makita bago ka pumunta sa Paglaum." her papa said

Jorge was so touched at her father's gesture and was teary-eyed.

"Ikaw naman papa e. Pinapaiyak mo'ko." sge said wiping the tears that are forming at the corner of her eyes

"Kain na." her papa said

Jorge grew in a household where there is little affection, little appreciation, and no I love yous. She is affectionate towards other people but she cannot show it to her family because they aren't affectionate. Their love language is quarelling, shouting and chaos. Her papa loves her so much and she knows it but her mama? They are never in good terms. They always quarrel about little things and cannot even appreciate the sacrifice that Jorge is doing for her family. She could have just focused on her studies alone but she bothered herself by working in a call center in order to help them. Knowing about her true identity saddened her. It saddened her not because she does not want to be VP Leni's daughter but because despite of all the imperfections of her adoptive family, she still loves them. She loves them as her own. Why would she even make sacrifices if she doesn't love them? Now, she just needs to let the vice president know about her little Jorgina.

She smiled at her father and when she finished eating, she proceeded to go to Paglaum.


Ciao! Short update again. Chapter 6 will be the Paglaum Grand Rally! Totoo na to.

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