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Bruno's POV

Exhaustion weighed my bones but the way Ertha had undressed me with her gaze was fuel to my fire. How dare she?! Acting like she had some claim on me, physically made me want to wretch. Why is my past coming back to haunt me? Nothing ever really happened between us for her to be acting this way. Ten years in isolation and she never once showed her face around Casita or asked about me. Thank God for that. She never cared about me so why now...

The dirt from the road she ran down moments earlier was still floating in the air. My entire being was filled with fury for this one petite mujer that played such an insignificant role in my former life. Before I knew what I was doing my feet landed further down the path, the mist from my phase still circling me. Again, the soles of my feet thumped onto the ground with another phase. I was no longer in control of my own magic. It was clutching for the thin thread of where Ertha had disappeared to, wanting answers and most of all wanting to confront her and give her my own warning.

Diego's sorrowful cries could be heard into town where I stood, making my heart clench in my chest. Mijo... He was only reacting to the energy from us but it still pained me to hear our sweet niño scream out for me. I'll be right back mi cielo. My magic flickered inside me, sensing her chilly presence and catapulted me to the next corner to come face to face with Nacio's deep set eyes and creased face. The sombrero he always wore was tilted so low it hid his expression in the shadow.


Call me jinx again... My gift was clawing at me to be unleashed. Those two should have just stayed gone. I hope the world outside Encanto treated them as kindly as they treated others. They should have fit right in with that darkness.

"You can tell her if she comes around our home again I'll personally throw her outside the shield." No need to tell him I was planning on doing that either way.

His fingers flicked the tip of his sombrero back, eyeing me with a smug grin. "I don't know what you're talking about hombre."

Are they that dense to test me like this? Maybe it's time they figured out that twenty years changes a person. Sadly, not changing those two for the better. "Damn well you know Nacio. Stop these games or you're welcome to join her outside Encanto again."

"Try me."

Spittle dripped with a vicious snarl that appeared beside me from Maik. The colossal size of his stripped muscular body was enough to put the fear of God in any man. He never dared to come into town before, sticking to the edge of his kingdom with Toñito or on the rare few occasions lazily dozing at the bottom of the hill in our backyard. Today was the exception.

"Til next time then...", Nacio waved a two finger salute, stepping back slowly.

A roar for good measure shot out from Maik. Benji and Antonio were a good influence on him. Deep down a fourteen year old kid sat under all that power. "Gracias, your majesty.", giving him a smile along with Beno's nickname for him.

Watching Nacio give us both a smirk before darting down the next street, told me this was far from over. "I've got it from here. You can head back." Best if nobody else crosses Maik's path right now, I chuckled. A different kind of sensation was rising up in my chest, prickling the core of my soul. Diego.

Realizing I wouldn't be able to phase all the way home in one shot from here I bolted back around the house, the way I came til I stared down the straight road ahead that held every piece of my heart in it. When I opened my eyes my hand was already on our doorknob, bursting through like a small hurricane. Benji's puma was curled up on the carpet in front of the sofa, brushing his cheek over Diego's crying eyes.

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