Solar Flare - Benji's POV (Bonus Chapter)

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Benji's POV

"Why are you his favorite Benji??" Diego babbled atop my chest, spitting out something that sounded a lot like 'Bbbaa'. I'm convinced his first word could go either way, a toss up between 'pá' or 'jee'. If he says 'jee' I'm claiming the win cause that's way too close to Benji and I've been practicing it with him in secret for weeks now. Bruno might have a bigger meltdown than Luna if that happens. There's no way he hasn't been doing the same and cooing his own word to him behind closed doors as well. Diego's thick thighs pushed off the sofa and bounced over my chest again, padding his baby squeals with my body.

"Seriously! Diego, why don't you love me??" Tía Pepa jokingly stomped over from the hallway where she had been giving us pouty looks. I really don't know if I'm Diego's favorite, maybe.. That would be awesome if I was, I smiled into his minty eyes that sparkled just for me right now. "D loves you too tía! I think he just likes my puma. You can't compete with that.. Lo siento." It wasn't really just my puma, I knew that but hopefully that made her feel a little better. Diego obviously loves all of us, even if we've made it into a competition.

She curled up on the other end of the sofa with us, tapping her foot against mine trying to get my attention. "Wanna go see your tía, D? Hmmm... That's right!" His giggles picked up as I turned him around to look at her and leaned onto my elbows, passing him into Pepa's already wiggling fingers. "Tía, did you have to read one of Bruno's poems to Mateo?" I grinned from ear to ear, watching her nose twitch while snuggling the cutest fluff of dark hair under her chin. I would have loved to see Pepa's reaction to reading anything out of Bruno's journal. But she had pushed the door shut on me, catching me in the act earlier. When I asked Bruno ages ago if he ever showed his hermana's his writing he had made an interesting face, one I couldn't quite place so I'm guessing probably not. Can't imagine why since reading them to us is one of his favorite things to do and he's a damn good writer. "Three from Bruno's and two from his other journal. He kept asking me to read, 'Tonight, I will look up at the moon, and I will know that somewhere you are looking at it too.', cause apparently I wasn't saying it right.." Her head swiveled on her neck with a smile. Only Bruno could recite that verse just the way Teo wanted, likely cause only Bruno felt the emotions attached to those words when he read them, thinking of nothing but our má. Even with how much I love Echo, I still don't think I'm scratching the surface of his devotion towards Luna. "Don't feel bad tía. None of us can match pá's perfect pitch for reading the rhymes out loud." Her eyes fell to Diego's sleeping face that had rolled over in her lap, a chunky arm flung over his forehead. What was going on behind those sage green irises of hers?

"There's so much of our padre in him..." I don't think she was talking about Diego, although her eyes watered while watching his cheeks turn a brighter shade of peach in her arms. I caught myself turning over Pedro's bead on my rosary and wondered how much of Bruno's own habits have rubbed off of me, subtly taking fragments of him into the makeup of who I am. Truthfully I couldn't have asked for a better padre and the way Pepa sucked in her lips, holding back her genuine feelings she knew too, that the best parts of Pedro were woven into Bruno.

"Uh.. Should I come back later?" We both whipped our heads around to Arthuro halfway through our backdoors, twisting the strap of his bag over his shoulder sheepishly. You'd think he practically lives here and yet he always feels the need to ask for permission before coming in. "Ay, totally. Go amigo... " Tossing a lumpy pillow straight at his worried face, breaking the ice with an added wink, I hauled myself from the sofa and tossed my arm over his shoulder. "We'll be in my room if you need me." It was already dark out so Bruno and Luna should be home soon from their date but just in case I wanted Pepa to know she could pester me if Diego starts to fuss. I'll never say no to that little bean, ever.

Giving Arthuro a tap with my foot to his backside, starting a small play fight war as we headed to my room, a patch of skin flashed from his shirt from our wrestle. "Woah woah woah.." I shoved him in my room and quickly shut the door behind us. "Hold on." Attacking his shoulders again, his strength no match to my pumas, I pulled the collar down until it nearly shredded off his chest.

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