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Luna's POV

A delicate nose brushed over my chest, burying himself closer for warmth. Lo siento mi pequeño, I'm not your papá. I giggled to myself at how our little Diego already had his preference, one all of us shared. Bruno's body and his embrace was like the sun on a cold night and all four of us always reached for his rays.

"Are we gonna tell anyone?", a timid look from Benji with his whisper searched mine and Bruno's eyes as we walked back home from town. We had decided after showing Benji that vision while in Maik's cave that we'd keep this between us for now. Even though Antonio was present for the vision it hadn't seemed like he picked up on Lily or at least he hadn't said anything since that day.

Lily was our second biggest surprise, aside from Diego and it felt like keeping this to ourselves sort of saved more of that sense of wonder we'd get to experience when we did finally get to meet her. Another squeak of complaint came from Diego over my chest, making Bruno laugh. "Why don't you love me?!", I joked theatrically. He loves Benji's smell and Bruno's body heat.. And me?

Bruno chuckled beside me, grasping for Diego. "He loves your voice mi amor.", he read my question through the bond. I think I felt my soul leave my body hearing his answer. "Of course you do mi cielo..", squealing with delight as I pinched his cheeks. He was already being pressed up to his personal heating pad, resting his tiny dark head of hair under the crook of Bruno's neck. We both could sense Diego's immediate delight roll off of him, with a tiny smile pulling up on his adorable lips.

"¿Hola? Are we gonna talk about what happened or not?", Benji's sassy tone pressed us again. I could feel Bruno starting to agonize over the question, replaying the events over in his mind.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow mijo. I need some time to think..", his lips kissed the top of Diego's head, sighing into our son's embrace. Bruno's protective instincts forced its way to the surface at the thought of what had played out tonight. A vast majority of my vision had leaked over to him as I had it on stage so he saw and felt everything I had and it took every ounce of his self control to not show his ugly side to the entirety of Encanto in that moment. Not that I've ever seen him enraged or lose control but I sensed his anger. I shuddered recalling the feeling, it both terrified and excited me, setting a blaze of lust throughout my body for the way he devoutly tended to our safety.

"I hope you know what those thoughts of yours are doing to me mi vida.", it rasped out of him with his hot breath hitting my ear. Desire pooled inside me hearing that challenge. "It's still our anniversary mi esposa..", another wave of intense need whispered over from him. My knees were weak, taking careful steps down the dirt path. 'Just wait.', his words echoed in my mind between the connection.

The door to our home moved in the darkness, swaying faintly back and forth ajar in the breeze. Lo? My eyes struggled to make out shapes in the pitch black around our house. Lo and María had left the plaza earlier, taking the gifts with them to drop the tokens off at home for us. But that was a solid hour ago, surely they would have shut the door when they left.

Our Diego's swaddled form was being shakily nudged into my frozen body by Bruno. Instinctively shielding our little miracle, my arms hugged him closer as Bruno passed him to me. 'Don't move.', his command fluttered over within the silence of the night. A small slender pair of arms wrapped around my legs, their bouncy locks hiding themselves behind the satin fabric. The quiet that followed made me nauseous, seeing Bruno motion for Benji to go around the back of our home as he crept up to the front door. A green glow emitted from his eyes while he crouched down right where the door creaked open from the wind. He was counting down, tapping his knee, waiting to feel Benji at the ready. Powerful energy coursed out of him the moment his tapping stopped, phasing past the wall into the open space of our living room. One tall shadow appeared inside from where I stood at the window, followed by a snarl that raged out of Benji's puma.

La Luna - His Eternity || Bruno Madrigal Fanfic || Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now