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Bruno's POV


Luna was fuming, seeing the realization hit me. Why the hell would Ertha steal something like that? That's just... Disgusting. No time like the present I guess.. Better do this now before I lose my nerve.

"Hey you..", gingerly brushing the tendrils that cascaded over her shoulder. "Come in with me."

All the kids piled on the mattress fort were deep in their game as I guided her into our bedroom. The second she laid Diego into his bassinet I felt it. Her full emotions weren't being held back but this wasn't on purpose. It was so painful as they hit me all at once, fogging my mind until I focused and saw her wiping at her eyes.

"No no mi amor. Please don't cry. Heyyy.." My heart was breaking with her quiet tears that stained my shirt. More of her sobs wracked my body. "I can write it again.. I have it memorized." That wasn't what she wanted, I could feel that. She wanted my haphazardly scribbled love note. For once it felt like I couldn't soothe her as she broke down in my arms, her own pain tearing me up inside. I stood there, taking her soft cries, letting her anger roll out. She's never this upset over anything.. "I'll try and get it back..", I hugged her to me as tightly as I could. I will try, making myself that promise.

"It's mine.", she sniffled. Everything was hers. My vows, this home, my heart. Everything. And she felt it was all under attack. 'Mine.', her mind pounded over again.

"I know mi amor. I know. I'm so sorry." Her body eased into mine finally. "I love you. She can't take that. Those words on paper were for you. Nobody can take that away. Okay?" She was wiping her eyes over my shirt, still struggling with her rapid breathing. "Inhala, exhala.. amor." Softly kissing her tears away and placing more timidly all over her face until I felt her steadying her breaths, I sat us down at the edge of the bed, calmly rubbing her back. Should I talk about this now? Probably not but it felt wrong not putting everything out there at this point, even if it brings about another wave of tears again. "Can we talk about it?" She nodded into the crook of my neck. Okay... I sighed, hating this. She shouldn't have to be dealing with any of it.

"When I said nothing happened between me and Ertha, it was the truth. Nothing really noteworthy happened at least." She tensed under me hearing that. Does she want all the details?

"Twenty years ago she sort of just started showing up wherever I was so yeah.. I can't say why or how that even happened. It was nice to have someone care about me at all so I didn't really think anything of it at the time. But every time after I saw her I just felt....", I took in a breath. How do I say this? Luna pulled back to look at me, watching me chew on the inside of my cheek. I know my face must be turning red by now.

"I felt... unnaturally attracted?" That was the best I could say out loud without actually using the word. She narrowed her eyes on me. "Aroused. Her. Really." Did she have to say it?!

"Fine. Sí. And I hated it. I felt off. It was completely unwanted and came out of nowhere." The truth, just tell her the truth...

"It made me sick. Actually sick. That's why I stopped coming out and spent more time inside Casita. The more time I spent away from her the more I felt like myself again. I was glad when she thought I had disappeared."

"Bruno...", she stood from my lap and paced. "What was in the vision? The one I had during the eclipse. Can you remember what was on the table?", she seemed to want me to confirm it for her, stopping in front of me to look me in the eye. I tried to think back..

"Uh.. herbs? Paper? A candle? Some gems maybe?" I couldn't really see everything she had, only a quick burst of her vision came through to me. Enough of it and her feelings to set me off but it's hard to recall the details.

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